How To Ensure Proper Nutrition For Infants? Check Doctor-Approved Tips
How To Ensure Proper Nutrition For Infants? Check Doctor-Approved Tips
Breast milk is the optimal source of nutrition for your baby, supplying all the necessary nutrients for the first six months of their life.

The initial 1,000 days of a baby’s life, spanning from conception to almost three years of age, are critically significant for ensuring proper nutrition. The growth and development occurring in this timeframe profoundly shape the child’s future. Dr Shalini Chiko, Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist, at Bengaluru’s Fortis Hospital, has shared how to ensure proper nutrition for infants.

As per the World Health Organisation’s guidelines, it’s crucial to exclusively breastfeed infants for the initial six months after birth. Following this period, the introduction of complementary foods is appropriate. Nonetheless, continuing breastfeeding until the child reaches two years of age is highly beneficial, even as complementary foods are introduced at around six months of age.

Breast milk is the optimal source of nutrition for your baby, supplying all the necessary nutrients for the first six months of their life. During this period, breast milk alone meets your baby’s nutritional requirements.

During the initial stages, breastfed babies typically require feeding every two to three hours. Signs that your baby is likely receiving sufficient nourishment include frequent wet and dirty diapers are signs of confirmation that your baby is progressing in a healthy manner.

When children lack nourishing foods during this critical phase or if the introduction of nutritious meals is delayed, it can potentially lead to difficulties in developing proper chewing abilities, which may result in sluggish feeding habits in their later years.

During this stage, you may observe babies frequently placing their fingers in their mouths, where they engage in biting and sucking activities. This helps strengthen their gums. Around 8 to 9 months of age, babies begin to use their lateral tongues, allowing them to chew and manipulate food even if they haven’t yet developed teeth.

It’s advisable to steer clear of store-bought ready-made foods. Instead, introduce a variety of flavours in their meals. Minimise distractions like TV or mobile devices during mealtime. Encourage children to pick and eat their own food. You can also prepare foods like steamed vegetables and idli in bite-size pieces for easy consumption. Additionally, colourful foods can bring joy to children and make mealtime more appealing to them.

As children grow older, they can become accustomed to picking fruits with their hands and enjoying them. Fruits, especially those in vibrant colours like green, yellow, orange and red, offer numerous benefits for a child’s development and overall health.

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