Transformative Asanas That Will Help You Build Better Balance
Transformative Asanas That Will Help You Build Better Balance
Balancing asanas not only enhances physical equilibrium but also promotes mental focus and harmony.

While it may seem challenging for beginners, balancing is certainly attainable with practice and dedication. Balancing asanas not only enhances physical equilibrium but also promotes mental focus and harmony, enabling individuals to progress on their yoga journey and embrace a balanced and fulfilling life. Varan shared a post on his Instagram about three impactful asanas, which was taught by Anshuka Parwani.

His caption reads, “Feeling Off balance? I often struggle with trying to find balance in life and I’ve found that finding balance physically aids the mind in so many ways. So right after recording an amazing podcast episode My favourite Yogini , Anshuka Parwani, challenged me to do some balancing asanas to celebrate International Day of Yoga – and I’m happy to report that I didn’t fail.”

A post shared by Varun Duggirala (@varunduggi)

Here are the three yoga postures that will help you with balancing:

  1. Vrikshasana: Also known as the Tree Pose, this yoga asana emphasizes balance and stability. In Vrikshasana, stand tall with feet together. Shift weight to left foot, bend right knee, and place right foot on left inner thigh or calf. Bring hands together at the chest in a prayer position, gaze at a focal point, and engage the core for balance. Breathe deeply and visualize growing taller. Maintain the posture for 30-60 seconds, then switch sides.
  2. Eka Pada Utkatasana: Eka Pada Utkatasana, the One-legged Chair Pose, challenges balance and strengthens legs. Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Extend arms forward parallel to the floor. Shift weight to left foot, lift right foot and extend it in front. Lower hips slowly as if sitting on an imaginary chair, keeping left knee bent. Engage the core, lengthen the spine, and maintain a steady gaze. Hold for 30-60 seconds, and then switch legs.
  3. Natarajasana: Popularly known as the Dancer’s Pose, Natarajasana requires balance, flexibility, and strength. Start by standing tall with feet together. Shift weight to left foot, bend right knee, and reach a right hand back to grasp inside of right foot or ankle. Extend left arm forward at shoulder height. Inhale, lift your right foot and leg backwards while leaning forward, aiming for a straight line from the extended left arm to the right leg. Engage the core, find a focal point, hold for 30-60 seconds, and then switch sides.

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