5 Spells to Apply Karma to Someone’s Life
5 Spells to Apply Karma to Someone’s Life
When someone wrongs you and gets away with it, you may reach a point where you want to intervene, perhaps with a “karma spell.” Someone else’s karma, however, can only be affected by themselves and the universe…so those karma spells out there are usually just hexes (which can cause you to pick up some bad karma too—yikes!). To keep your karma clear, we’ve gathered some neutral spells you can use to protect yourself and reflect any harm coming your way. Plus, we have some tips from psychic experts Jennifer McVey and Kari Samuels on how to non-magically deal with someone else’s “bad karma,” and how to cleanse your own! Keep reading to learn more about the balance of the universe.
Things You Should Know
  • Fill a fireproof bowl with salt, then line the edges with dried nettles. Stick five cloves into the salt.
  • Carve the person’s name on a black candle, then write your intentions on a piece of paper and tie it to the candle.
  • Drip oil on the candle and rub it with cayenne. Stick it into the salt and light it. Watch it burn all the way down, keeping your intentions in mind.

Karma Candle Spell

Fill a fireproof bowl with salt, nettles, and cloves. Fill the bowl with at least 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) of kosher or sea salt. Spoon dried nettles around the edges, and stick five cloves equidistant from each other into the salt, like the points of a star.

Write your intentions on a small, blank piece of paper. Ask the universe to balance out the person’s life. Karma is entirely personal, and can’t be affected by others. If you ask for the person to suffer for what they did, you’ll be creating new negative energy (which could come back as your own bad karma!). Consider writing something like: “[Person] learns the lesson associated with their actions,” or “[Person]’s life is swiftly balanced.”

Carve the person’s name into a candle and wrap the spell around it. Use a new, small, black candle, and tie the spell on with twine. Drip an oil of your choosing on the candle, and then sprinkle it with cayenne pepper. Cayenne heats things up a little and gets the spell moving faster. If you’re worried about your own karma, you can also use a purple candle. In candle magic, purple is associated with psychic abilities and cleansing of bad karma.

Put the candle into the salt, light it, and let it burn down entirely. Watch the flame as the candle burns, and think about your intentions. Keep them totally positive and don’t wish harm on the other person, you’re just asking the universe to speed up a little, not to hurt someone. Concentrate on your intentions the entire time. Candle magic is thought to work by focusing the energy of your thought on the flame, which broadcasts it to the universe.

Justice Spell

Call upon the Norse god Forseti when you’ve been wronged. Forseti is a minor Norse god who was said to settle disputes and create laws. Basically, he’s the judge-god. When you’re absolutely sure you’re in the right and someone else is in the wrong, call upon his aid. This spell is often used for legal issues—if someone has committed violence with no legal consequences, use this spell.

Send Forseti your gratitude and present the situation to him. Feel a warm light of gratitude and truth grow inside of you, then offer it to Forseti. Once you feel his presence, either picture what’s happening in your mind, or tell him through words. Include how you feel about the situation as you project it to him.

Ask Forseti to bring you the justice you deserve. Say this incantation:Forseti, presiding onePlease stay with me till this is doneBring justice from your golden hallSwiftly, once and for allI honor you with love and lightAnd thank you for your wisdom bright. Once justice has been served, thank Forseti and send him more gratitude in the form of spiritual light. By calling in a neutral third party, you reduce your chances of creating any bad karma for yourself.

Reflection Spell

Anoint a candle with oil, then roll it in pepper and oregano. Rub oil over the entire candle—you can use any oil you’d like, even cooking oil. Cover the oil in black pepper and oregano, then place it in a candle holder. Oregano is thought to aid in protection and letting things go, and black pepper is thought to clear blocked energy and relieve negative emotions. If you think that you’ve been cursed by this person, burn bay leaves during the spell, as well. Use a black or white candle.

Lay down a small mirror and put the candle on top of it. Light the candle and say this incantation:Return to your sourceLeave me in peaceIf the path is blockedThe magic will cease. This spell takes into account the possibility that the person has magical protections around them. By doing a reflection spell (instead of a hex) you can confidently send negative energy back to someone without creating more of it yourself.

Justice Binding Spell

Light a white candle in front of the Justice tarot card. Set a Justice card from any tarot deck on your altar, then light a white pillar candle in front of it. Say: [Name], I call on the archetypal energy of Justice to swiftly bind your power to harm anyone.”

Burn the person’s name on a piece of paper with the candle. Very carefully, hold a blank piece of paper over the flame and burn the person’s full name into it. Work over a fireproof surface, or in a large fireproof bowl, caldron, or pot.

Light the piece of paper on fire, then drop it into the bowl. As the paper burns, say “As this paper is now burned to ashes, so too is your power to harm—it is reduced to nothing and fully undone.”

Discard the ashes and blow out the candle. Once the ashes are cool enough to touch, mix sea salt into them, then flush them down the toilet. End your ritual by extinguishing the candle with a candle snuffer.

Power Neutralizing Spell

Fill a jar halfway with salt, then drop in the person’s name. Use sea salt or pink Himalayan salt to fill the jar, then write the person’s full name on a piece of paper. You can also use a picture or something of theirs, like a business card.

Say an incantation, then fill up the rest of the jar. After you drop it in, or while holding the paper, say these words:[Name], you have never had power over me.What seemed like your power is now erased.It is erased across time—yesterday, today, tomorrow.It is neutralized. It was never even there.Now, it dissolves completely, disappears, and returns to the nothingness from whence it came, now and forever, in every direction of time. Cover the paper with salt and seal the jar once you’re done. Keep the jar somewhere you can see it until you don’t need the reminder anymore, and focus on your own abilities and power. Flush the salt down the toilet to dispose of it.

What is Karma?

Karma is the law of cause and effect. According to psychic Kari Samuels, karma is the balancing aspect of the universe: “Instead of looking at things as bad karma…look at it [as] how have you tipped the scales of balance in your life.” Because of this, intention is very important, as, as Samuels says, you’re trying to “balance your actions so that they have more positive outcomes.”

Negative feelings towards yourself or others can create karma. Because of this, working through those feelings can cleanse your karma, and “releas[e] [you] from that karmic connection.” When you overcome that connection, old patterns from your life fall away. You may find yourself constantly dating people who live far away from you—that could be a karmic pattern. By focusing on finding someone close to you, you can break that pattern.

People’s karma can only be affected by themselves. Since karma is a balancing act of your own actions, no one else can change your karma…and you can’t change anyone else’s karma, either.

Reduce bad karma by forgiving people. One of the ways you gain negative karma is by trying to get back at people. Any mean-spirited thought or action eventually comes back to you. To keep your own karma clear, forgive people who have wronged you. Jennifer McVey notes that “people are not their actions.” By removing “personal intent” from a situation and considering the other person’s circumstances “you don’t have to work [on] forgiving that person…[when] you understand it at every level of view, you just let it go.”

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