Is Siren Head real?
Siren Head is not real and is just an online fictional character. Even though there are some convincing images, videos, and stories about Siren Head online, it’s considered an Internet urban legend, or “creepypasta.” There have been a lot of posts and theories about Siren Head online, but these are only made-up stories to scare other people online. Siren Head is an example of an Internet urban legend. Internet folklore is when an online community collectively builds up the stories and background of a piece of art. When Siren Head was first shared and created, it spread around the Internet quickly and people started making their own art and stories about it.
What is Siren Head?
Siren Head is a large monster that has speakers instead of a head. Siren Head is normally portrayed as a tall humanoid creature that’s around 40 feet (12 m) tall. It has long spindly arms that are almost as long as its entire body. However, it doesn’t have a normal head. Instead, Siren Head has 2 large megaphone speakers attached to its neck and electric cables plugging into its skin. Some pictures of Siren Head show that the speakers are actually mouths and have teeth inside of them. Siren Head is usually shown in rural areas, like open fields and forests, but some depictions show it in urban environments too.
Siren Head is said to lure people by making eerie sounds and voices. Siren Head is known to play odd transmissions and noises from its speakers. It might be white noise, random numbers, clips from the radio, alarms or sirens, distorted voices, and even the voices of someone you know.
Siren Head has unearthly powers and abilities. Siren Head is a supernatural being that doesn’t follow the laws of human nature, so it has special abilities that make it even more terrifying and dangerous. Some of its most notable powers include: Acoustikinesis, or mimicking voices Camouflage and ability to evade tracking easily Fast, silent movement with enhanced speeds Extreme strength Ability to transform its size and shape to help it blend in better Adaptability to any environment
Where did Siren Head come from?
Siren Head was created by artist Trevor Henderson in 2018. Trevor Henderson (or slimyswampghost on social media) is a Canadian horror artist that’s known for drawing scary creatures and making found-footage art. In August 2018, he posted the first picture of Siren Head standing in a cemetery to his social media pages. Even though he deleted the original posts on X (formerly Twitter) and Tumblr, check out the original Siren Head photo on Trevor Henderson’s Instagram page. The photo’s caption gives a brief backstory: She was on vacation with her husband and they were scoping out graveyards on the way, as you do, when she saw it. Rising out of the old cemetery, big as an old (macabre) telephone pole. Was this some kind of bizarre art piece the authorities hadn't gotten wise to yet? Even as she stepped out of the car, the megaphones on its "head" screeched to life. "NINE. EIGHTEEN. ONE. CHILD. SEVENTEEN. REMOVE. VILE.". A buzzing, doubled voice screamed random words at her. At this point, it jerked into motion, striding down the hill towards her. Henderson notes that Siren Head was inspired by number stations, which are believed to be old spy broadcasts on radio waves that play random voices, numbers, and phrases.
How did Siren Head get popular?
A Siren Head horror game made the monster more well-known. On Halloween 2018, the indie developer Modus Interactive released the Siren Head game where players must search for a missing hiker while avoiding the Siren Head. In the game, Siren Head chases the player while playing disturbing radio warnings and voices. Download and play Siren Head on Windows or Mac computers. Many other indie games feature Siren Head, but Trevor Henderson has not been officially involved in any of them.
A Fallout 4 mod brought Siren Head to mainstream games. In 2019, a mod called Whispering Hills was released for the post-apocalyptic game Fallout 4. The mod adds scary creatures and horror elements into the game, including Siren Head. When you play the game, Siren Head roams around the world and will attack you if you get too close.
A TikTok video of Siren Head went viral online. In April 2020, TikTok user @alexhoward shared a video of a massive Siren Head stomping around in a suburban area. The creepy Siren Head noise plays, and the video uses a sound of police sirens and gunfire to make it seem more real. Since it was released, the video has been viewed 28.7 million times and has almost 4 million likes. Check out the original TikTok to see how Siren Head gained even more popularity.
Content creators shared their own Siren Head memes. Ever since Siren Head was first created, many other artists and creators have hopped onto the trend. While some of the stories have kept the horror vibes of the original, other creators have turned Siren Head into funny memes. This popular YouTube video by chromastone10 shows Siren Head doing the default dance from Fortnite and has been viewed 16 million times.
Why is Siren Head scary?
It has a scary and unsettling design. Siren Head is usually shown with a really thin, bony body, so it kind of looks like a giant skeleton. Because it has speakers instead of a head, it looks really unnatural and only adds to that uneasy feeling. If the image of Siren Head is stuck in your head, try looking up pictures of different things, like cute animals, happy pictures with your friends, or bright and colorful art.
It makes creepy noises. Siren Head is said to make loud emergency sounds, like storm warnings and severe weather announcements. Hearing these noises in real life are usually a cause for concern, so it can be unsettling when Siren Head makes them too. The random voices and other sounds it can make can also sound distorted so they sound scarier. If you’re hearing scary noises, put on headphones and play some calm music to help you relax again.
It supposedly attacks when people are alone or isolated. A lot of the stories online about Siren Head focus on people who were by themselves or out in an isolated area, like in the woods or in a rural area. The idea that you can’t call for help if you run into Siren Head can make it feel a lot more frightening. If you’re scared because you’re by yourself, call a friend to chat or put on your favorite comedy movie to help you feel comfortable again.
It has a lot of false sightings posted online. Other “sightings” and posts by Henderson show Siren Head standing alone in a field or forest, or they have it blending in suburban areas standing hidden next to telephone poles. Some of these art posts are drawn on real photos, so they look really believable and give the pictures really eerie appearances. Many other artists have also made fan art of Siren Head and have shared their own versions online too. An Instagram post from September 2018 shows Siren Head standing in a neighborhood next to a telephone pole, and the story in the caption claims a family went missing from their home mysteriously. Another Instagram post from June 2023 shows Siren Head towering over the trees of a forest during the day. If you’re scared by pictures or videos you see online, try to remember that they’re not real. Think through it logically. Does the picture look real or does it look like it was edited? Was it from a credible source?
What are other creatures like Siren Head?
Slenderman Slenderman is probably one of the most well-known Internet urban legends, and is sometimes credited with starting off modern horror stories online. He’s usually drawn as a tall faceless man wearing a suit who has long, slender arms, and he’s said to kidnap people. Slenderman was created in 2009 by Eric Knudsen, who went by Victor Surge, when he posted images of children with Slenderman standing in the background. Slenderman became popular after the images were shared and now has many other video series, movies, books, and video games.
Cartoon Cat Cartoon Cat looks like an old black-and-white animated cat that came to life in the real world, and it was created by Trevor Henderson around the same time as Siren Head. Cartoon Cat is said to be a dangerous and hungry monster that can contort its body like a cartoon.
Long Horse Long Horse is another one of Trevor Henderson’s most notable monsters. Long Horse has the skull of a horse attached to a long stretched out neck, but you never see its body. Unlike Siren Head and Cartoon Cat, Long Horse isn’t a hostile creature and it doesn’t mean to harm anyone.
Bridge Worm The Bridge Worm is depicted as a large white worm with 2 human arms that lives under bridges. It normally has a plain white face, but it can flip up to reveal a scarier face underneath. Trevor Henderson made the Bridge Worm in 2019, and it’s somewhat based on trolls living under a bridge.
The Wandering Faith The Wandering Faith is one of Trevor Henderson’s largest creature designs. The Wandering Faith is usually depicted as a large 3-legged creature and its head is always hidden high in the clouds. It also has long tendrils that it uses to carry people. While there are less online stories about this creature, it’s still one of Henderson’s notable designs.
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