- Apply the perfume after you've taken a shower, and rub unscented moisturizer where you'll apply it to help the perfume stick.
- Apply roll-on perfumes directly to your skin, and use your fingers to apply bottled oil. Only use 2-3 drops; a little goes a long way.
- Place perfume on your pulse points to better release the smell. Your pulse points are your wrists, inner elbows, the back of your knees, and behind your ears.
Applying Perfume Oil Correctly
Put perfume oil on after you’ve taken a shower. Take your shower and dry off a little with a towel before applying your perfume. Having fresh, clean skin will help your perfume stick to you and last longer. If your skin is sweaty or sticky in any way, it’ll be harder for the perfume oil to adhere properly.
Rub an unscented moisturizer onto your skin before applying perfume oil. Pick out your favorite unscented moisturizer and squeeze a small dollop of it into your hand. Rub the moisturizer into to your wrists, elbows, or other area where you're going to apply the perfume oil. Let the moisturizer dry before you add the perfume. It’s important that your moisturizer be unscented so that it doesn’t interfere with your perfume oil.
Use roll-on perfume by rolling it directly onto your skin. Perfume oils that come in the form of a roll-on stick are super easy to use. Roll the ball on the perfume stick using your finger to make sure it’s moving correctly before you roll the perfume right onto your skin in the areas where you’d like it. The perfume will roll onto your skin in an even, thin line.
Rub perfume oil onto your body using your fingers if it’s in a bottle. Perfume oil can be bought in a regular tiny bottle where little drops come out. Pour a drop or two of the oil onto your fingers and use your fingers to rub it onto your skin. You only need a couple drops of the perfume oil for each area of your skin.
Apply perfume oil minimally since it’s more concentrated. While perfume that’s sprayed onto your body ends up being more diluted because it’s in a mist form, perfume oil is much more concentrated and stays right where you apply it. Avoid using too much of the oil on your skin—just a few dabs will do. You may need to experiment with how much or how little perfume oil you use.
Choosing a Pulse Point
Apply the perfume oil to your wrists for a quick and easy application. The most popular pulse point for perfume is the wrists because your hands move around the most, making it easy to enjoy the smell. Rub your perfume oil on the inside of your wrist, or even on your forearm if you’d like. Avoid rubbing your wrists together after you apply the perfume oil because it can ruin the fragrance.
Rub the oil on your inner elbow to add a hint of fragrance. Put a little perfume oil right in the crease of your elbow, rubbing it on gently. Spread the perfume oil to your inner arms if you'd like your scent to be stronger. It’s best to rub perfume oil on your inner elbow when you’re wearing an outfit where your arms are uncovered so you'll notice the scent.
Put the scent on the back of your knee to make your legs smell good. Rub the perfume oil you’re using into the crook of your legs, right behind your kneecap. This adds a little fragrance to the lower portion of your body. The friction caused when you bend your legs or walk will heat up this part of your leg, making the perfume smell stronger.
Use perfume oil behind your ear for a more intimate perfumed area. Rub a drop or two of perfume oil on the back of your ear, either near the top of it or at the bottom of your earlobe. Apply it to the other ear if you’d like, making sure not to apply too much so the scent isn’t overpowering. Since your ears are so close to your face and nose, you'll be more sensitive to the smell if you add too much perfume.
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