The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Reserving Advanced Tickets
Visit to check Ellen’s upcoming calendar. Tickets to The Ellen DeGeneres Show are released about 2 months in advance, and Ellen releases tickets for 2 weeks of shows at a time. Visit Ellen's ticketing portal online to reserve tickets for upcoming shows. All shows are located in Burbank, CA. If no tickets are currently available, you'll get a message stating the show is booked with details on when to check back. For example, the message may read "We’re sorry, the Ellen DeGeneres Show is fully booked for Season 15. Please check back in August for Season 16."
Review the show calendar to find available tickets. Tickets are not released on a particular day or time, so check regularly to find showtimes that work for you. Review the current month’s availability, and click on the “Next” button at the top right corner to browse through upcoming shows. Only days reading “Tickets Available” can be reserved. Oftentimes, tickets get reserved almost as soon as they are released, so check daily or hourly to reserve yours on your day of choice.
Click on “Tickets Available” when you find a day that works for you. After you’ve perused the upcoming shows and available tickets, click on the red “Tickets Available” link to make your selection. Note that you can only request tickets for 1 date, so make sure the date fits your and your friends or family’s travel plans. You can request up to 4 total tickets. Tickets to The Ellen DeGeneres Show are free of charge! If a date shows “Fully Booked” listed, you cannot request tickets for that day. Blank dates are not available for ticket requests. At this stage, there is no way to tell how many total tickets are available. You can request the total number of tickets after you complete the ticket request form.
Complete the ticket request form online. Once you click on “Tickets Available,” you will redirect to the request tickets form. Fill out your name, email, phone number, birthday, address, and any special needs (like wheelchair accessibility). You must be 18 years of age to request your tickets, and everyone must be at least 14 years old to attend. Avoid submitting more than 1 request within a 2-week period. If you submit more than 1 ticket request form, your name may be flagged for too many entries, and you may not receive tickets. Do not send in multiple ticket request forms under multiple names.
Respond to the email from Ellen’s associates to secure your reservation. When your ticket request is accepted, you will get an email confirming your ticket reservation. This email requires a response from you, so be sure to check your email frequently! This email does not contain your tickets. After you respond to this email, you will be added to the audience list, and you will receive your tickets when you check in on site. Check your emails every day, and be sure to look for emails with the word “Ellen” listed in them. Respond within 1-3 days after you receive the email. If you do not promptly respond to the email, you may not receive your tickets.
Submit a request for another day if you do not receive an email. If you do not receive an email confirmation 2 weeks after you submit your ticketing request form, you can submit a form for another show. Simply visit and complete the form like you did the first time.
Bring your photo ID and confirmation email with you to the show. After you’ve received an emailed ticket confirmation, print out the confirmation at home, and bring it with you to the show. In addition, every member of your party must present valid photo identification when they arrive. When you arrive on site, present your reservation letter and ID to retrieve your tickets. If you are 14 to 18 years old, you must be accompanied by an adult and have proof of your age (high school ID, birth certificate, or passport).
Getting Standby Tickets
Call 818.954.5929 before 12:00 noon PT on the day of the show. In addition to general ticketing, The Ellen DeGeneres Show offers a limited number of Standby Tickets available on the day of taping. If you are in the Los Angeles area or submitted a ticket request and have not heard back, call on the day of the show you would like to attend. If you call after 12:00 noon PT, your request will not be considered. If you are traveling from out of town, provide a local phone number when you call. You cannot call for Standby Tickets for future dates. The first taping starts at 12:30 pm. For some dates, there will be 2 tapings per day. Ask what time the taping begins when you call.
Provide your contact information when requesting “day of” tickets. When you call for “day of” tickets, you connect with a ticketing associate who helps process the request. Inform the associate of how many tickets you are looking for (4 maximum), and give them your first and last name, phone number, and email address to secure your tickets. The associate will send you an email with ticket confirmation after they process your request. Not every show will have Standby Tickets available. You must be 18 years of age to request "day of" tickets. If a parent or relative is granted "day of" tickets, everyone must be at least 14 years old to attend.
Bring your email confirmation and photo ID with you to the show. After you speak to a ticketing associate on the phone, they will reserve any available tickets for you. In addition, they will send a confirmation email explaining your reservation. Print this out before you arrive, and ensure you and your guests have photo ID to retrieve your tickets. If you are between ages 14 and 18 years old, you bring proof of your age, such as a high school ID, birth certificate, or passport.
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