![How to Make Games on PowerPoint](https://cdn.tupko.com/news/db/4a/46/db4a465859a695275b3fc2db961712cf-b.jpg)
Trivia/Question PowerPoint Game
Download the PowerPoint application, this whole tutorial won't work without it
Start with a title, and draw one shape in the middle.
You can put more detail and backgrounds in later.
Put in the title of your game and in the shape type "start"
Click on the start square and then click on action, hyperlink to, next slide
now add a new slide right after the first, if you are doing a trivia game, or question game, for starters just write the question. also add 2-4 shapes for your answers
Click on animations, one of the shapes, fade out, trigger, on click of, find that shape you were going to click fade out. in the PowerPoint, on that slide, when you click on that shape it should disappear. Test it.
Repeat the trigger processes with the other shapes, manually type answers "right" under the right answer and "wrong" under the wrong answer. you may need to add a "next button" hyperlinked like with the start button.
keep adding questions and latter insert pictures,
Add a final "WINNER!!" slide at the end
Your basic game is finished, check out how my games turned out for more ideas on here!! https://sites.google.com/site/boardgametemplates/change-the-banner
Wheel Game
Download the PowerPoint application, this whole tutorial won't work without it
Start with a title, and draw one shape in the middle
On your next slide make a wheel (best made with charts)
add to the wheel titles such as, "$1, $2, $4, $8, spin again, loser, jackpot!!"
Add an arrow directly in the middle of the circle, animate it to spin. There are different options to pick from, test the slide out. when you click once, the arrow should spin on the wheel.
On that slide have a bunch of circles all hyper linked to different blank slides after this current slide.
With the blank slides still there, right click on the main wheel slide and hit "duplicate slide"
Now hit duplicate slides for as many circles you drew
Delete blank slides, but keep the duplicated slide.
On each slide, rotate the arrow a little bit
When you start from the beginning of the power point, and click on a circle, and click again, the arrow will spin and land on a number!!
Your game is finished! check out how my games turned out for more ideas on here!! (feel free to download and edit this templates I made!) https://sites.google.com/site/boardgametemplates/change-the-banner
Video animation story
Repeat first slide process,(add the slide, hyperlink a shape to next slide)
Make your main character/assisting characters, this is best done by making random shapes and stretching/changing colors to them. Finally, you will add the face.
Highlight, right click, and cut each character individually. Paste each character in the PowerPoint as a picture
Where each character moves and when is up to you, You can use captions for what the character is thinking. Open animation pane.
Your character works as follows, click your character, then animation, and scroll to the bottom. you should see in "motion" a custom option. click and hold on the document, where you want your person to move.
When each person is animated to the places you want them too, record slide show from that slide and click your sound and keep clicking write when you want each animation to happen.
Hit click again once to go to the next slide, from there, wait about 1 minute just on that slide and then hit Esc. on your keyboard.
Finished story animation prior to the game, try adding scenery too! and check out how my PowerPoint's turned out here! you can download them, and even change them up!
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