How to Make Your School Basketball Team
How to Make Your School Basketball Team
Many schools offer a basketball team for those students who like the sport. While making the team may seem like a daunting task at first, there are some things you can do to prepare before trying out, to help you have a better chance of making the basketball team at your school.


Practice often before tryouts. This can ensure that you are ready, healthy, and on top form by that time. Practice at least three times a week at your house or local gym.

Try to practice with other people. This will help you get used to making shots while being defended, get better with making passes and be a good team player.

Make your practice session as game-like as possible if you're training by yourself. Be sure to exaggerate and pretend to do fake moves that you are not actually going to do. Move around with fast control to confuse your opponents.

Participate in games. In addition to practicing in general, also try and participate in basketball games. Try practicing with others who may have more basketball experience, since this can help to improve your playing skills.

Do minor drills whenever you can. If it's not a practice day, just do some handles.

At the Tryouts

Wear proper gear and turn in any health and commitment forms on time. This shows how responsible you are.

Turn up early to tryouts. This will display your eagerness to play and dedication to the team.

Relax. Picture yourself doing really well at tryouts. Imagine yourself making insane passes and hitting tons of shots. This will boost your confidence. Watch plenty of highlights around when your tryouts take place. Seeing how others are doing will help you to spot the little details that pro players do, so that you can mimic them. Remember—it's okay to feel nervous! If you're nervous, that means you're ready. Stephen Curry Stephen Curry, Professional Basketball Player Anxiety can be a sign you're ready to meet challenges. "I've never been afraid of big moments. I get butterflies. I get nervous and anxious, but I think those are all good signs that I'm ready for the moment."

Introduce yourself to the coach and try to appear well mannered.

Display a good knowledge of the game to both your teammates and your coach.

Try to stay within the coach's line of view as much as possible. This will help your coach to observe your potential.

Be a team player. Avoid showing off, and be sure to pass to teammates who are in good position to make plays. Most coaches want a team player and one that knows what they're doing. Don't try to show off and use any of your streetball skills too much. Don't yell at your teammates if they mess up a play. Simply encourage them.

Never get caught standing around or looking at your coach. Hustle on defense and look for opportunity to make plays on offense. Don't hesitate and follow your instincts when it comes to an open shot or layup.

Feel confident. Act as if you own the courts.

Leave a good impression, and play well. Make assists, grab rebounds, play good defense, and try creating some turnovers that can lead to points.

At School

Be a good student. Most schools will not allow you to participate in a sport with a failing grade. This will also give coaches an idea of what kind of student you are and it will reflect on what type of athlete you are. Students with better grades tend to have an advantage for making the team. It's not all about how good you are at certain sports.

Manage your time. Sports take up a lot of your extra time, but make sure you find some time to study or do homework. Colleges might consider giving you a scholarship for sports, but when they see that your grades are not what's expected at their level, they have every right to skip over you. You might be the best of the best or you might be better than Michael Jordan, but that's not an excuse to be getting bad grades. Although some may think sports are more important, school comes first.

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