Using a Conversion Table
Find a ring size conversion table on the Internet. Many online jewelers offer tables that help you convert inches and centimeters into ring sizes. Print the table out, or simply bookmark the page so you can refer to it when you need to. You can also walk into a jeweler’s store near you to ask if they offer these tables. These tables will have rows and columns that list measurements next to ring sizes so you can easily convert the diameter of your finger to a standard ring size. Here is an example of a table you can find online:
Cut out a strip of paper that is long enough to fit around your finger. Use paper that is sturdy enough not to rip but also easy to wrap around something. The paper you use in your printer should work well. When cutting the paper with scissors, just estimate how long it needs to be to wrap around your finger. It doesn’t need to be an exact length or width.
Wrap the piece of paper around the knuckle of your finger until it fits snugly. You must wrap it around the finger you plan to wear your ring on, otherwise the size will be inaccurate. Don’t wrap it around where your ring will actually sit, since your ring will need to be wide enough to fit over your knuckle. When you’re done tightening the piece of paper, make sure you can move it easily past your knuckle in both directions.
Draw a line to mark where the two pieces of paper are meeting. Make your mark on the top part of the paper. Your line should show exactly where the edge of the bottom half of the paper is hitting the top half. If you’re having trouble making this mark while holding the paper in place, ask a friend or family member for help.
Use a ruler to measure the piece of paper up to the pencil mark. For greater accuracy, measure the piece of paper in centimeters rather than inches. This is the measurement you’ll need to figure out your size. Helen Driggs, Jewelry Designer To accurately size rings, have the wearer wrap sewing thread, unwaxed dental floss or a strip of paper around the base of the finger. Snug it comfortably and tightly tie or tape it. Then measure the length in millimeters with a ruler for precise sizing.
Consult the size conversion table to determine your ring size. Find your measurement on the left-hand side of the table you're using. Then look down the row to the column that tells you your ring size. Some tables will give the sizes for different international markets, so make sure you’re looking at the size that applies to you.
Measure again to make sure you got an accurate size. Start the process again with a new piece of paper. If you get the same measurement, you can be confident that you found your ring size. If you get a different measurement, try a third time. If your third reading matches one of your first 2, go with that size. If your third gives you yet another measurement, consult a jeweler for a more accurate sizing.
Using a Ring Size Chart
Print out a ring size chart from the Internet. These charts have many different circles that represent different ring sizes. Inside of each circle, the size is clearly marked. Search online jewelers to find one of these charts and print it out. When printing, make sure you follow any instructions the site might provide about scaling the page properly.
Place your ring over the different circles on the ring size chart. If your ring fits within a circle, that size would be too big for you. If a circle is clearly visible within your ring, that size would be too small. Only use a ring that fits the exact same finger you plan to wear your new ring on.
Stop when you find the circle that your ring fits over exactly. You’ll know you have found your size when your ring sits on top of the circle. If the circle sits just inside the circumference of your ring, that could still be your size. Double check the ones next to it to make sure they’re clearly either too big or too small. If they are, then the one in the middle should be your size.
Read the size of the circle to determine your size. The number inside the circle that matched your ring should be your correct ring size. Use that to order a new ring from any jeweler you’d like.
Going to a Jewelry Store
Find a jeweler in your area. Most jewelers offer complimentary ring sizing. Their method is usually the most accurate since they use a specific tool for determining your size. Search online to find respected jewelers near you, or ask friends or family members if they have any recommendations.
Ask the jeweler to size your finger. Double check to make sure this is a free service, if you’re hoping not to pay. They will take your finger and put it in several different sized metal rings. The best size for you should fit snugly but slide off and on easily. The ring that feels most comfortable tells you the size of your finger. Ask the jeweler if you have any questions or concerns about choosing the size that’s perfect for you. Make sure you have the jeweler get the size for the exact same finger you plan to wear your ring on.
Buy a ring from that jeweler or use the size to shop elsewhere. Jewelers don’t necessarily expect you to buy from them because they’ve sized your finger. If you’re not planning on buying a ring from the jeweler who helped you, though, make sure you make a note of your size so you can remember it exactly.
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