How to Preserve a Signature on an Article of Clothing
How to Preserve a Signature on an Article of Clothing
Were you lucky enough to have your favourite celebrity sign your shirt? Have you decided to preserve the memories of your graduating class in ink? Either way, you might now be concerned with keeping that signature looking pristine. You’ll want to start by helping the ink to set to make it last longer. Properly displaying the clothing is also important to protect the signature.

Helping the Ink Set

Let the ink dry. Touching the ink before it’s dried might smudge or smear the signature. If you’re wearing the signed piece of clothing, it may be best to carefully remove it to allow the ink to dry. Set the clothing down where it won’t be disturbed until it’s dried. You can usually tell that it’s dried by looking at it in the light; if it doesn’t shine, it’s probably dry.

Lay your article of clothing on an ironing board. Make sure the signature is pointing upwards, towards you. You don’t have to worry about all of the clothing fitting on the ironing board, you just need to have the signature on the ironing board. Note that you won’t be able to do this with all fabrics. Leather, for instance, can’t be ironed. You should strongly consider storing such clothing to preserve signatures rather than wearing it.

Use the cotton setting to iron the clothing. After letting the iron warm up, press it onto the signature. Don’t slide the iron as you usually would; this might smudge or smear the ink. Press the iron just for a few seconds, otherwise you might burn the garment. Make sure there’s no steam coming from the iron. Water will prevent the ink from setting, and will actually help remove the signature.

Put the clothing in the dryer. Don’t put your signed garment in with any other clothing. Use the hottest setting and leave the clothing in the dryer for about 30 minutes. After removing it, the ink should have completely set, make it more resistant if you choose to wash the clothing. Be aware that not all types of clothing can be put in the dryer. For these, you should strongly consider storing them rather than wearing them if you want to preserve the signatures.

Wash any clothing that can’t be ironed in cold water. If you’re set on wearing autographed clothing that can’t be ironed, you should only wash it in cold water; hot water can cause the ink to fade if you haven’t helped it set.

Use a coat of resolene on leather. Since you can’t iron leather or put it in the dryer, you need to take this extra step to protect the ink. All you need is to add a bit of the product to a soft sponge, then swipe the sponge along the autograph. The clear coating will help to preserve the ink.

Air dry any fabrics that can’t be put in the dryer. If you’re dealing with, say, leather, suede or chiffon, you won’t be able to use the dryer after washing or to set the ink. Hang up any clothing made of these to dry after washing, making sure to keep them out of the sun.

Displaying Signed Clothing

Keep your clothing away from direct sunlight. If your signed clothing is exposed to direct sunlight, the ink and fabric are likely to fade with time. Keep it displayed away from windows, and turn off the lights when you leave the room. You can buy display cases specifically for holding autographed clothing or jerseys. These typically control the amount of light that enters the case, protecting the clothing within.

Ensure proper airflow. If your clothing doesn’t have a chance to breathe, the fabric isn’t likely to last very long. If you put up the clothing in a display case, make sure it’s not right up against the glass. If it’s up on a wall without a case, create proper airflow by opening doors and windows from time to time; don’t let the same musty air sit in the room. If storing your signed clothes in a drawer, note that they won’t last as long without proper airflow. The signature might also rub off on other clothes stored in the same drawer.

Avoid excessive humidity. Too much moisture will cause the signature to shrink and smear. Choose where you display your autographed clothing carefully; avoid basements and garages as these tend to be more humid. An air-conditioned or otherwise temperature controlled room is best for keeping signatures vivid and viewable longer.

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