How to Seduce an Aries Man Through Text
How to Seduce an Aries Man Through Text
Aries men are fiery, physical, and fascinating—basically, total dreamboat material. If you've been fantasizing about your Aries crush, then you're probably searching for ways to get his attention (and hopefully some time alone with him, too!). Luckily, there are so many ways to make him totally obsessed with you via text, and we've got all the answers you need. For absolutely everything you need to know about how to seduce an Aries man through text, read on!

Let him chase you.

An Aries man will want to pursue his crush. To an Aries, the most exciting part of any flirtationship is the thrill of the chase, so play a game of cat and mouse over text to keep him hooked. Send mysterious messages, pull back the attention you give him now and then, and wait for him to text you first. Keep him guessing when you two first start texting: “Yeah, you’re pretty cool...I don’t know, I guess I’m still making my mind up about you. ????” Aries are impatient, so when you take longer to respond, he’ll clock it. Half the time, respond quickly. The other half, take twice as long to respond as he did. At the start of your flirtationship, make sure he's starting most of your text conversations. He'll find this dynamic exciting (and hot!). Aries have the courageousness to express their feelings. They cannot keep things secret for long. If he likes you, he will find ways to tell you.

Compliment him.

Aries are their own #1 fans, so flattery will get you far with him. Tell him that you love his looks, his energy, or his sense of humor, and this will definitely make you more attractive to him. Whenever a nice thought pops into your head, share it with your Aries crush. To seduce him, explain why you find him so hot—because this will drive him completely wild. “I couldn’t stop staring at you earlier…You’re so hot, seriously. ????” “You’ve got such exciting energy. Being around you feels so intoxicating. ????” “Hahaha. Genuinely lol’d at that one. You know what, I gotta hand it to you. You’re pretty funny ;) ????”

Send sassy texts.

Aries men are attracted to bold personalities. When you two are texting back and forth, send cheeky messages that’ll fascinate, entertain, and attract him. Take every opportunity to make your exchanges more playful by responding to his texts with major sass. Just make sure you're focused on making him laugh, not dragging him down. Say he mentions that he'll be late to your meetup: “Hmm…not sure I’ll be able to wait those extra 15 minutes. I keep a VERY busy schedule. ????” If he says that he had fun hanging out, send a sassy response: “I bet it was fun hanging out with me! You were okay too, I guess ;)” If he doesn't wake up until 2 p.m. one day, comment on that over text: "Wow, so nice of you to join us! Did you get your beauty rest? ????"

Tease him.

When flirting, Aries will love it if you gradually raise the sexual tension. To accomplish this, tease him in a fun, sexy way. Choose a couple things that you know he's not sensitive about (so, for example, comment on his cooking skills—not his reading level). Then, lightly poke fun at him over text. Go for a playful, casual tone. If you make him laugh, he'll find you completely irresistible. “Sorry, I think I might’ve misread your text. Did you say you were GOOD at Super Smash Brothers? That’s gotta be a typo, right? ????” “Hey! I’m not feeling super well today. But I did eat that grilled cheese you made last night, so I don’t know why I’m surprised...????” “What do you think? Should we play Monopoly tonight? Maybe the 100th time will be the charm for you. ????”

Joke around with him.

Aries are attracted to energetic, playful, and witty people. Deliver hilarious, clever jokes over text, and he'll find you fascinating. Throw in a funny callback, be ironic, or send over a comical exaggeration. When you make an Aries lose it with laughter, you'll make him feel amazing. By consistently boosting an Aries' mood, you'll make yourself more attractive to him, too. If you two watched Aquaman recently, reference it: “Just literally got completely soaked walking into class. Bet Aquaman doesn’t have this problem, smh.” If he complains about work and says, “Why do I put myself through this?!” Send an ironic response: “My guess would be for the money and benefits. ????” Send over a silly exaggeration to make him giggle: “Just heard on the news that this is the hottest day on record, ever. Don't look that up. You can trust me.”

Tell him he's the only person on your mind.

Aries are competitive people, even with sex and love. Every second of the day that he knows you're thinking of him (and no one else), he’ll feel like he’s won. This will be insanely attractive to him, so whenever he’s on your mind, shoot him a message. Add specifics that could make the message even hotter—and don’t be afraid to mention any explicit thoughts, too. “Just saw the cutest dog on 5th. Naturally, thinking of you :)” “I’m trying to work but I can’t stop thinking about last night…Safe to say that you’re on my mind this morning! ????” “You know what I was just daydreaming about? What we’re going to do the next time we hang out ????????”

Be direct and honest.

An Aries man appreciates straightforward, clear communication. Once you've allowed him to chase you and you've already expressed your interest in each other, change up your strategy. Share your unfiltered thoughts in the conversation, and he’ll be obsessed with your bold, honest attitude. If you want to invite him over, say so. If you want to hook up, ask him outright. “Hey. You free? Want to come watch a movie? ????” “I’d love to repeat what we did last Friday night right now. You in? ????????‍❤️‍????‍????????” “I’m so attracted to you. Come over and I’ll prove it. ❤️‍????❤️‍????”

Keep your messages short and sweet.

Aries can get bored easily, so they'll love it if you cut the fluff. Leave the long, wordy texts in your drafts. Instead, make sure every word you send serves a clear purpose. As a rule of thumb, keep your messages under three lines long. Avoid longer messages: “So anyway, do you think you’ll want to come here? Idk, we can do whatever. Just let me know what you’re thinking when you decide. No rush though, I’m not picky. Okay, that’s it! Talk soon!” Instead, send something simpler: “Mine or yours?” Not only does this keep him engaged in what you have to say, but it also projects confidence, which he'll be super attracted to.

Show off your confidence.

Aries men admire bold and self-assured people. If you can prove that that’s you, he’ll find you completely irresistible. When you’re texting an Aries, speak highly of yourself and avoid negative self-talk. Emphasize the standards you set for yourself and for the people you surround yourself with. When you have something to say to him over text, leave out qualifying statements. “I’m actually so excited to give this presentation at work. I usually do a great job with pitches, and this one I feel especially good about. ????????” “Marisol knows that I expect her to be 100% honest with me because I’m 100% honest with all of my friends. We'll work it out. ????????” Instead of saying, “I feel like maybe there’s a chance you might like me,” when flirting, go with, “I can tell that you like me. ????”

Send him a sexy photo.

Aries men are super sexual people, and he'll hope you're the same way. Take a photo of yourself that you absolutely love. It can be of your face, your body, whatever you want—just as long as you feel hot! Choose a more risque shot or keep your photo PG. The goal is simple: make him feel special, flaunt your confidence, and show him that you're interested in getting physical. According to astrology, Aries feels especially drawn to their crush's head, neck, and hair. Take a selfie to show off your stunning profile. Aries’ astrological color is red. Dress up (or down) in a crimson hue to drive him completely crazy. Before you send something sexually explicit, think it through carefully. Talk to a friend if you're unsure. Then, make sure to get his consent.

Suggest something new and exciting to try together.

Aries men love getting adventurous in the bedroom. Let him know that you enjoy mixing things up too, and he'll be thrilled. An Aries’ dream text begins with the phrase, “I want to try this with you…” Fill him in on the details of all of your fantasies, and he’ll want to meet up with you ASAP. Share all of your new, exciting ideas for what to do between the sheets, and he'll be completely obsessed. “I was thinking...Maybe next time we hang out, we could try showering together. What do you think about that? ????” “I saw this toy that I sooooo want to use with you. Should we stop by the sex shop and pick it up? ????????” “You, me, a hotel, and a bottle of champagne next weekend. Thoughts? ????”

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