How to Transport a Bedridden Person
How to Transport a Bedridden Person
Transporting a person who is bedridden can be difficult. Emergency medical transport is covered under many insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. Non-emergency medical transport is sometimes covered by insurance with a doctor's order. Non-medical transport is generally not covered by insurance.[1]
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People who are bedridden typically cannot sit up in a wheelchair.[3]
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However, someone who is on bedrest due to a medical condition may be able to use a wheelchair. If you are a trained and qualified medical professional, then you can transfer someone into a wheelchair and transport them this way.

Using Medical Transport Services

Talk to the doctor. When it comes to non-emergency medical transport, you can get it paid for by Medicare and other insurances, but it has to be ordered by a doctor and be medically necessary. If a person you are caring for needs this kind of transport, first talk to the doctor. If the person doesn't qualify for transport, you can still book transport for them if they can pay for it out of pocket.

Choose a medical transport company. Most doctor's offices will have a preferred transport service that they will call if you don't have the preference. In fact, in some states, the doctor's office must book the transport for you to be covered under Medicaid or Medicare. However, you can also choose a transport company yourself if you are paying for the service out-of-pocket. Look for non-emergency medical transport in the phone book or online. If you're unsure which one to choose, ask for a recommendation at the doctor's office. Another way to help you narrow choices is to ask the transport company if they are authorized for Medicare or Medicaid. Companies that are contracted by the government for these services must meet certain standards. You can also ask about their safety record. If they're not willing to discuss it with you or send you information, they are likely not very safe.

Compare costs. Cost is of course a factor when choosing a medical transport company. For instance, even if your transport is covered by Medicare, you'll likely need to pay the 20% co-pay. Therefore, it's a good idea to call several places to figure out which will be the cheapest for you overall. Some companies may require prepayment, particularly if you're not covered by insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

Make an appointment. Once you have a medical appointment scheduled for the person, generally the doctor's office will schedule the transport for the person if they need it and if they qualify for it. Be sure to let the office know that the person needs transportation to the appointment.

Use 911 for an emergency. Obviously, emergency transportation services are reserved for when it's an emergency. If the person needs immediate care, due to a fall or other serious injury or illness, then calling an ambulance is appropriate. Generally, this service is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurances.

Transporting Someone Who Cannot Walk in a Medical Setting

Do not attempt to transfer someone unless you are trained and qualified. Only a trained, qualified medical professional should attempt to transport a bedridden person. Do not attempt to do this at home or in a medical setting if you are not trained and qualified to do so.

Tell the person what is going to happen. Before you start moving the person, you need to make sure they are aware of what you're doing. Tell them exactly what you're going to do and why (they need to be transported) before you start the process of transporting them. In addition, talk to them as you perform each step so they know what to expect.

Place the wheelchair next to the bed. If the person is able to sit in wheelchairs for short periods, you may be able to transport them yourself. To begin, make sure the wheelchair is next to the bed with the seat facing you. The side of the wheelchair should be close to the bed.

Ready the wheelchair. The wheelchair needs to be stable and ready for the person to sit. Set the brakes so that the wheelchair doesn't move around. Pull the footrests up towards the wheels so that the person has a clear path to the seat.

Brace yourself properly. When trying to move someone, you also need to protect yourself, particularly your back and legs. Make sure you keep your legs shoulder-width apart with your knees bent. Also, don't bend at the waist. Rather, keep your spine in a natural position. Keep in mind that it can take some strength to move someone. Have someone assist you if you're not sure you can do it by yourself.

Help the person sit up. If the person can't sit up themselves, you'll need to help lift them to sitting. Place an arm behind their back. Place your other arm under their knees, looping it in so you can pull them towards you. Turn the person's lower body towards the edge of the bed while simultaneously lifting from the top. You should end up with the person sitting up with their feet on the floor. Let the person sit for a moment, as the process can make them dizzy.

Lift them from the bed. Place your legs around the patient's outside leg (the one not near the wheelchair). Keeping your back straight, bend at the knees. Grasp the patient by placing your arms under theirs, going around the chest. Grasp your own hands in the back. Lift the patient up.

Use a Hoyer lift if needed. If the person cannot support their weight at all, you should use a Hoyer lift to transport them. Start by placing the sling under the person by rolling them to one side and positioning it under them. Adjust the leg loops around the thighs, crossing them underneath for security. Move the lift into place. The legs position under the bed, while the top of the lift (the cradle) moves over the bed to attach to the sling. Push the lift in as far as it will go. Do not lock the brakes. Attach both sides of the sling to the appropriate sides of the cradle. Once the sling is attached, lift the person up slowly until they are just above the mattress. Swing their legs out towards the lift to clear the edge. Gently move the person away from the mattress, lowering the bed if you need to do so.

Lower the person into the wheelchair. Turn the person towards the seat. The patient should try to provide as much support as they can with their legs. Lower them gently when they're legs hit the edge of the seat. Tell them to grab the arms of the wheelchair to help if they can. A gait belt can give you something to grasp. You put it around the patient's waist and then use it to help lift them. If you're using a Hoyer lift, position the person over the wheelchair using the lift. Gently lower them into the wheelchair.

Transfer the patient to a car. A van with a wheelchair lift will work best. However, in a car, you can do a similar transfer as you did to the bed. Lift the person, in the same way, setting them down on the seat of the car. Place one arm behind their back and one arm under their legs to pivot them into the car. Help them buckle in.

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