Duplicating Smithing Templates
You cannot craft smithing templates, but you can duplicate them. It's impossible to create a smithing template if you don't already have at least one. To duplicate a smithing template, you'll need 1 smithing template, 7 diamonds, and one of the following materials, depending on which template you're trying to duplicate: Netherrack: Netherite Upgrade or Rib Armor Trim Cobblestone: Sentry Armor Trim, Vex Armor Trim, or Coast Armor Trim Mossy Cobblestone: Wild Armor Trim Sandstone: Dune Armor Trim Terracotta: Wayfinder Armor Trim, Raiser Armor Trim, Shaper Armor Trim, or Host Armor Trim Cobbled Deepslate: Ward Armor Trim or Silence Armor Trim Prismarine: Tide Armor Trim Blackstone: Snout Armor Trim End Stone: Eye Armor Trim Purpur Block: Spire Armor Trim Breeze Rod: Flow Armor Trim
Place the required items in a crafting grid to duplicate the template. In the 3x3 crafting grid, place the smithing template in the top middle slot, the material in the middle slot, and the diamonds in the remaining spots around the edge of the grid. Once you do this, the smithing template will be consumed, but you'll get two smithing templates back—one to replace the original, and the duplicated copy.
Smithing Template Locations
Chest loot The most reliable way to find smithing templates is in certain chests. Each smithing template can be found in a variety of different chests. Below we've listed all the smithing templates, where they can be found, which chests they can be found in, how many templates you can get in a chest, and what chance you have of finding the template. Netherite Upgrade: Bastion remnant Hoglin stable chest (1): 10% chance Generic chest (1): 10% chance Bridge chest (1): 10% chance Treasure chest (1): 100% chance Sentry Armor Trim: Pillager Outpost Chest (2): 25% chance Vex Armor Trim: Woodland mansion Chest (1): 50% chance Wild Armor Trim: Jungle temple Chest (2): 33.3% chance Coast Armor Trim: Shipwreck Treasure chest (2): 16.7% chance Map chest (2): 16.7% chance Supply chest (2): 16.7% chance Dune Armor Trim: Desert temple Chest (2): 14.3% chance Ward Armor Trim: Ancient City Chest (1): 5% chance Silence Armor Trim: Ancient city Chest (1): 1.2% chance Snout Armor Trim: Bastion remnant Hoglin stable chest (1): 8.3% chance Generic chest (1): 8.3% chance Treasure chest (1): 8.3% chance Bridge chest (1): 8.3% chance Rib Armor Trim: Nether fortress Chest (1): 6.7% chance Eye Armor Trim: Stronghold Altar chest (1): 10% chance Library chest (1): 100% chance Spire Armor Trim: End city Chest (1): 6.7% chance
Mob loot There is a 20% chance for elder guardians to drop Tide Armor Trim when they die.
Suspicious block loot When a brush is used on a suspicious gravel block in Trail ruins, there is an 8.5% chance to get Wayfinder, Raiser, Shaper, or Host Armor Trim.
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