Rehoming Your Dog: The Right Way
Rehoming Your Dog: The Right Way
Not all pets are a good fit for every family; whether you're struggling with a related health issue, major behavioral problems, or a housing issue, there might come a time when you have to surrender your pet dog. But how can you still make sure that your pup ends up in a safe, happy home? Luckily, you have options, and we're outlining them in detail below. Read on to learn how you can surrender your dog (and still prioritize their wellbeing).

Going to a Shelter

Go to or to find a list of shelters in your area. Type in your zip code, and a list of animal care organizations, animal control centers and animal shelters will come up. You can also look in the phone book to find an animal shelter near you, or call 411 for information on shelters in your area. Screen the shelters that you are considering by visiting and talking to them in person and asking your veterinarian about the shelter. Make sure that it is a “no kill” shelter and that they will not harm your dog.

Contact a breed rescue organization near you if you have a purebred. To find this kind of organization, talk to your local animal shelter or look online. These organizations have in depth knowledge of your particular breed and will work with you to find a good home for your dog. Sometimes these organizations will only accept dogs from the shelters. In this case you may want to research the best way to go about working to get your dog adopted. Always screen the organization to make sure that it is not a scam. Do an internet search, talk to a shelter in your area, or go in and talk to the people at their location.

Get in touch with online rescue groups. You can request them to post your dog on their website. This is called a courtesy post. If they agree, you will have to keep your dog at home during the process of adopting your dog, until they find an owner online. Occasionally the rescue group may have you bring your dog in to an adoption event. Some groups will allow you to have some say over who adopts your dog by letting you screen the applications with them.

Finding a Good Home

Talk to your friends and family first. Before you go any further, find out whether someone you know and trust might be interested in taking your dog. This would be the most ideal situation, because they already know your dog, and you would be able to visit your dog in the future. Remember, the right house for your dog is the place where he will get the attention and nutrition he needs. It should also be where he can spend the rest of his life, and receive proper veterinary care.

Advertise your dog using your veterinarian, friends and family. If your family and friends cannot take your dog, try reaching out to their acquaintances through word of mouth. Ask your vet, friends and family to speak to anyone who is a responsible pet owner and wants a dog. If all else fails, you can advertise your dog in a local paper.

Go visit the potential owner. Look at the property and interact with the family. See if the environment is well suited for your dog. Take into consideration small children and other animals. If your dog does not do well with those things, then consider finding a different home. Ask to see identification from a potential new owner. There are some people who deal in “bunching” animals. This means that they pick up animals to sell to institutions that do animal testing. If you ask for valid identification and they are reluctant, this may be a sign that this is not a legitimate owner looking for a dog. Write down the ID number of the new owner. If you are going to give this person your dog, keep their ID number for your records.

Have the new owner sign a contract. Write down the requirements of adoption. Sign the contract, and have the new owner sign the contract. These conditions can include proper nutrition, exercise, and veterinary care. The contract can include a part that states that the new owner must contact you if he or she decides to give the dog away in the future.

Get your dog neutered or spayed before you give him away. This will prevent any irresponsible breeding that could happen in the new home. Talk to the new owner before you do this procedure to keep them informed about what is happening with the dog.

Rethinking Rehoming Your Dog

Manage your dog’s misbehavior. Many dogs get rehomed because they are more rambunctious than their masters can handle. However, there are exercises you can do with your dog to manage their behavior that are easy on you. Think about working with your dog on his behavior before you get rid of him. Exercise your dog more. You can exercise your dog’s brain by buying food puzzle toys, playing hide and seek, or doing obedience training with your dog. Also, teach your dog how to play fetch or Frisbee to wear him out without having to go on long walks. Buy appropriate chew toys for your dogs. This can help keep your dog from tearing apart your shoes and furniture. Do basic obedience training with your dog. For example, teach your dog to sit when visitors come over or you are out and about. Reward your dog with treats, games and praise when he obeys you, and take those rewards away if the dog does not obey you. Do both rewards and take-aways immediately after the behaviors. These basic obedience tactics can help you train your dog.

Fix your housing challenges. Many owners feel like they have to get rid of their dogs when they are moving, because it can be difficult to find a new place that will allow pets. However, there are several agencies that specialize in finding you a home that will accept your pet. Go online and search for housing agencies that specialize in that very thing. Make your own dog “resume” for your potential landlord. Give information about your pet including references or letters of recommendation from trainers, veterinarians etc. who can confirm that your pet is well trained. Include your dog’s picture, description of his personality, and likes and dislikes to let your landlord have a chance to see what your dog is like. Leave your dog with a friend or family member for a few months while you find new housing. It may take a little more time to find a place that will allow dogs; however, if you put your dog with someone you trust, looking will pay off. Keep your dog at a kennel or the veterinarian while you are looking for housing. This option is more expensive and should be used as a last effort. However, doing this may save you the costs of getting a new dog if in a couple of years you want a dog again.

Find solutions to your allergy problems. If you or someone in your house has allergies, there are a variety of things you can do to ease the allergies. If you do a combination of cleaning, using medication, and creating an animal free zone might mean you can keep your dog. Wash your dog on a regular basis. Use a shampoo specifically for dogs and wash your dog on a weekly basis. Go to your doctor and tell him or her about your allergies. They can give you shots or pills that can help you with your allergies. Keep the dog out of a designated space in the house. This should probably be the bedroom of the person with the allergy. Use a HEPA air filter to clean the air, and do not allow the animal into that room at any time. Use HEPA air cleaners throughout the house and clean regularly. Wash any couch covers or pet beds and other fabric materials that will catch hair and dander.

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