What Does Angel Number 848 Mean?
What Does Angel Number 848 Mean?
It seems like every time you look at the clock you see 8:48. Or maybe your total at the store keeps showing up as $8.84. You may be seeing an angel number, or a message from a higher power trying to communicate something to you. In the case of 848, that message is one of hope, positivity, and perseverance. We’ll tell you all about this special angel number and what it means in your life, spirituality, relationships, career, twin flames, faith, and more, so that you receive the message from above loud and clear.
Things You Should Know
  • Angel number 848 is a sign from the universe to keep pursuing your goals, especially when you’re in a slump, in order to achieve your dreams.
  • 848 urges you to trust your own abilities and your power to see things through. It also lets you know that a higher power is rooting for your success.
  • In your relationships, 848 is a sign to open your heart to new love or new friendships, and to take a little time to appreciate the relationships you already have.


848 is a sign to stay positive and hopeful, and keep striving for success. You may be at a low point, or things might not be working out—a job interview was a dud, or maybe a recent date went poorly. But seeing 848 in your everyday life is a powerful sign of support and encouragement from the universe. A higher power may be telling you to keep at it, and that your goals will be realized with some patience and perseverance. Angel number 848 is ultimately a sign that someone is rooting for you, and that an unseen force is in your corner. You’re not alone!


848 asks you to have faith in your abilities and to trust higher powers. You know better than anyone what you’re capable of, but sometimes you can surprise even yourself. 848 appears when you most need it to tell you to trust your own abilities and stay confident in order to realize success. But you don’t have to trust just yourself; this angel number also comes as a reminder that higher powers—your guardian angel, the universe, and others—are working in your favor. 848 also urges you to disregard naysayers or people rooting for your failure. You’ve got what it takes, and their opinions are irrelevant.

Love & Relationships

848 urges you to give into love and trust your romantic instincts. You may be wary of new romantic relationships, or burnt out in your current relationship. Seeing 848 is a sign to let your guard down and let love surprise you! That might mean planning a first date with that special someone you’ve had your eye on, or having a romantic date night at home to rediscover your current partner. 848 is powerful reminder that love wants to find you; you just have to let it. Seeing 848 often means the start of a new relationship, or the renewal of a current love. Open your heart to the possibilities!

The number 848 represents strong foundations in your friendships. 848 is a reminder to cherish your closest friends. Just like the 4 is anchored by 8s on either side, so you’re anchored by your closest friends. The number is a sign that your friendships are sturdy and reliable, so don’t take that for granted. Call up your friends and plan a hang-out to surround yourself with your closest allies, which can help improve your own confidence and self-esteem. The number may also be a sign that a new friendship is soon to arrive, and it’ll be lasting and powerful. Introduce yourself to new people and ask them all about themselves; you might just meet a new best friend.

Twin Flames

848 is a sign that you’ll soon connect with your twin flame. Your twin flame is a person with whom you share a powerful connection, and who comes into your life to teach you valuable lessons. You and your twin flame are represented by the 8s in the number 848, and the 4 in the center is the space between you. But seeing this number is a sign that you’ll soon make contact—for the first time, or you’ll reconnect if you’ve already met. Recognize your twin flame by the way they make you feel. The connection often comes with a strong gut feeling, or the sensation that you’re looking into a mirror.

Money & Career

Angel number 848 comes as an affirmation of your career path. 8 is the number of passion and purpose. If you’re a ways into your chosen career path, 848 reaffirms your choice, even if things are getting sticky or stagnant, and promises new developments and opportunities if you stick with it and assert yourself—now’s the time to ask for that raise or shoot for that promotion. If you’ve just started on your career path, 848 comes as a blessing from above and a sign that you’ve chosen your field well. Work hard, and success will be yours. If you’re unsure of your career or still choosing, 848 urges you to go with your gut, trust your instincts, and dive into a field you enjoy, or which interests you.

848 predicts prosperity and wealth in your future. 4 is a powerful spiritual number said to resonate at frequencies that promote manifestation. That’s why this angel number is a prime signifier of coming wealth; the number 4 promises the manifestation of prosperity, so long as you’re willing to put in a little elbow grease. Spend a little more time polishing up your resume, or go the extra mile to impress your boss. Good things go in, good things come out!


The number 8 and 4 combine to create a powerful number of potential. 8 is the symbol for infinity turned on its side, which represents boundless possibilities. The doubling of 8 emphasizes its power. Then, 4 is the number of manifestations from the spiritual into the tangible. When combined in this manner, these numbers become a powerful engine that encourages your own personal potential. Numerologically, 848 asks you to look inside and acknowledge your own power for change and for creating the life you want to lead. All you have to do is reach out and grasp it.


848 is one of the most powerful numbers for manifestation. The numbers 4 and 8 are widely considered the primary manifestation numbers. When paired together in a single angel number, they provide an invaluable opportunity to manifest almost anything—whether you’re manifesting love, manifesting money, or personal fulfillment, it’s yours to take. First, though, you need to let go of what no longer serves you to make room for what you want to manifest. For example, if you’re manifesting personal fulfillment, you may need to let go of things that don’t fulfill you—scrolling social media, needless purchases, or other bad habits.

Biblical Meaning

In the Bible, the number 848 reminds us to persevere. The eighth book of the New Testament is 2 Corinthians. The fourth chapter and eighth verse of 2 Corinthians reads, “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair.” This profound occurrence of the number 848 in the Bible tells us to have faith, even in the face of obstacles or enemies. As long as you have faith and persevere, despite the odds, you will prosper. In your daily life, this is a reminder to never give up. Ignore your naysayers—that rude coworker, an unsupportive family member, or a friend who broke your trust—and focus on doing the best you can do.

What to Do

Take note of every time you see 848 to remind yourself of your abilities. 848 is a sign from a higher power reminding you that you’re capable, and that you have the ability to overcome whatever life throws at you. Any time you see the number 848 in your life, write down when and where you saw it in a journal. Recording these instances will serve as a powerful encouragement and reminder of your own power any time you’re feeling burned out or discouraged. 848 may also be a reminder to rest and relax in order to overcome burnout. If you see it while feeling weary, do something to rest your body and mind, like taking a spa day or even just letting yourself sleep in a while longer.

Work toward your goals while staying positive and optimistic. Ultimately, 848 is a positive omen that predicts success in your pursuits, but that success isn’t free. Whatever your desire—career success, true love, meeting new people— stay motivated by focusing on your end goal and visualizing the life you want for yourself. Things may get glum from time to time, but persevere through the rough patches and before you know it, you’ll have achieved your dream. Make your goals more concrete by breaking them down into smaller steps. For example, if you want to be able to run a marathon someday, first practice running a mile, then 2 miles, and so on.

Try something new outside your comfort zone. The angel number 848 is auspicious! The double 8s are a sign of infinite possibilities. Take advantage of those possibilities by trying something new and stepping outside your comfort zone. Try that new hobby you always wanted to get into, go to that party you’re anxious about, interview for that job you thought you weren’t qualified for. The universe is rooting for you. If you’re feeling uncertain, repeat some affirmations like, “I am capable and confident,” or, “I can do anything I set my mind to.”

Encourage other people to realize their own potential, too. There’s a reason there are two 8s in the number 848—they often represent the people around you. You’re never on this journey of life alone. Share your gifts with other people to help them harness the possibilities of 848, as well. Boost someone’s confidence by giving them a compliment, or invite a friend to try that new hobby alongside you. When more people pour energy into something, the manifestation becomes all the more powerful. You might also reach out to a friend who might be struggling and offer to help, or look into volunteering at a nonprofit like a food bank or animal shelter. Your potential is meant to be shared!

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