Gemini in a Nutshell
Geminis are adaptable and witty social butterflies. Exuberant and curious, Geminis have a lust for learning and a passion for people. They tend to be friends with people from all walks of life. Symbol: the twins Dates: May 21—June 20 Element: air Modality: mutable Ruling planet: Mercury Keywords: talkative, versatile, sociable, flirtatious, inquisitive, witty Famous Geminis: Laverne Cox, Kanye West, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Johnny Depp, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Holland
The Twins in Love
They let down their guard. Geminis are talkative, intellectual, and social—but they're often not fans of getting too emotionally deep. If your Gemini is willing to get emotional with you and shows you a vulnerability that you don't see them show to anyone else, you can tell that they're very likely in love with you. Show your Gemini that they're safe with you by validating their emotions and letting them know that you won't reject them.
They ask you a lot of questions. When a Gemini is in love, they want to know absolutely everything about you. It's possible that you'll get exhausted by all of the questions they ask and the things they want to know. They just want to connect with you as much as possible. Get ready for follow-up questions as well—when a Gemini decides that they want to get to know someone, they will leave no stone unturned.
They do very traditionally romantic things for you. Geminis tend to value the ritual of romance, so they make a big deal out of including all of the traditional trappings. What's love if it's not drowning in chocolate and flowers? A Gemini also tends to be really intent on pleasing their partner and making them happy, so if there's a particular romantic gesture that you like more than another, be sure to let them know!
They try to verbally spar with you all of the time. The way to a Gemini's heart is through their mind, and there's nothing they love better than a good debate. If you didn't know any better, you might feel like they're trying to attack you constantly—but really, they're just showing they love you by challenging everything you say. Keep in mind that your Gemini doesn't actually want to hurt your feelings, so let them know if they say something that upsets or offends you.
They introduce you to their friends. A Gemini is a true social butterfly—their friends are everything to them. If they're introducing you to their friends, that's a sure sign that they intend to have you in their life for a while. They also talk you up to everyone they know. "They will gush and constantly chatter about you to everyone and particularly the people they live with," Garbis notes. "They will dissect text messages, relive conversations, talk about little things you do, like you walk on water," she continues.
They're playful and joke around with you a lot. The twins are lighthearted and love a good joke. If they're constantly playing around and joking with you, chances are they're in love with you. Bonus points if you're witty and playful with them as well—you'll have them wrapped around your finger in no time! As much as they're all about logic and rationality, Geminis aren't interested in taking life too seriously. If you're just starting a romantic relationship with a Gemini, get ready to have lots of fun! They get bored pretty easily so they've always got plenty of ideas for new and exciting things to do.
They seem close one minute and distant the next. This is part of the duality that Geminis are famous for. It might seem like they're leading you on or sending you mixed signals, but they really aren/t. Typically, it's more about their fear of rejection—they're acting distant to protect their heart because they feel insecure about how you feel about them. If you point to specific behaviors and let your Gemini know how those things make you feel, it will be easier for the two of you to talk about this. Just remember that if a Gemini tells you that they're committed to you, they are—they do value their independence, but that doesn't mean they love you any less or don't want to be with you.
Gemini Compatibility
Geminis find a natural love with other air signs. Gemini and the other air signs (Aquarius and Libra) could talk the sun up and never get bored. Because they have so much in common, they can't go wrong in a relationship with each other. The only danger is that they might have too much in common—which could lead them to get bored with each other. The only danger is that they might have too much in common—which could lead them to get bored with each other. Air signs also often need the other person to make the first emotional move in a relationship. With two air signs, there is a possibility that the relationship just never gets off the ground to begin with because neither of them feels comfortable taking that next step.
Geminis can make strong connections with fire signs. This is quite an elemental match, since air naturally feeds fire. Geminis feed the fiery passion of the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Sagittarius and Gemini might find each other too much to handle, though, between Gemini's tendency to push buttons and Sagittarius's tendency to be honest to a fault.
Water signs present a challenge to Gemini's worldview. The water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) are all about emotion, and Gemini is all about ration and intellect. This doesn't necessarily mean that they're doomed to be at each other's throats constantly, though! As long as they can find a way to communicate, they can do just fine. As a water sign, find a way to communicate to your Gemini exactly why something bothers you or makes you feel a certain way. If they understand it, they'll do what they can to support you and your happiness.
Geminis find it difficult to relate to Earth signs. Of all the signs in the zodiac, the Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) might present the most challenges for Gemini. They just don't share many of the same values or interests and it makes it really hard for them to understand each other. You might even wonder how an Earth sign would ever cross paths with a Gemini, considering that Earth signs have the reputation for being homebodies while Geminis are social butterflies.
Seducing a Gemini
Provoke a heated debate. There's nothing a Gemini loves more than an intense debate about a serious and complex issue. If you really want to get a Gemini hot under the collar, make sure you throw in some well-placed witty wordplay and a serious cultural reference or two. When it comes to intellectual stimulation, a Gemini is definitely looking for someone who they feel is their equal mentally, so going toe-to-toe with them in a debate is a great way to show them you can stand your own.
Show them your playful side. Divina stresses the importance of involving a Gemini's mental side, "so you could be playful with words, for example, creative with words, that would work really well." Despite being so intellectual, Geminis aren't really interested in taking anything seriously, so take the opportunity to get silly with them and they might just start falling for you. Geminis can be pretty unconventional too, so don't hesitate to do something that might be a little "improper." If you slap a Gemini on the arm and say "you're it!" while running away, they're likely not only to chase after you but also to tackle you when they catch up.
Surprise them with tickets to a cultural event. Geminis are usually really big into culture and the arts, so they'll be stoked to go to that new museum opening or a screening of the latest art film. Head out to the local pub afterward for some socializing and your Gemini will be ready for some intense one-on-one just with you. Don't forget the lengthy discussion that's sure to follow the event! It's a good idea to read up on whatever you're going to see before you go so that you have a lot of interesting points to contribute to the conversation.
Keep a few surprises up your sleeve. If you've got your heart set on a Gemini, the worst thing you can do is be predictable. That also means you can't be an open book. If you tell them your life story on the first date, they're likely to feel like you have nothing new to offer—and Geminis crave novelty. Do something a little different or reveal something they didn't know about you and you'll have a Gemini eating out of your hand. Eyedealism agrees that you have to give a Gemini "just constant amusement or they become disinterested very quickly."
Gemini Relationship Red Flags
They offer one-word responses to questions. As an air sign, Geminis definitely have the gift of gab—if they're not feeling chatty, it usually means something's up. It might not have anything to do with you, but it's a pretty strong indication that your Gemini isn't a happy camper. A Gemini values their independence. It might be that they simply need some time on their own to recharge and they'll be back to their normally verbose self in no time. Eyedealism notes that Geminis "change their mind about lovers more often than they change their underwear," so you have to "give them a sense of freedom" if you want them to stick around.
They aren't friendly and flirtatious in public. Geminis are naturally outgoing and flirtatious with everybody—and it's not something they typically tone down just because they're in a relationship. If they don't act flirty around other people at all when you're around them, it could be an indication that they're not satisfied with your relationship. Usually this is a reaction because you've expressed jealousy over them flirting with someone. But they're suppressing a natural part of themselves to make you happy, and that isn't likely to be satisfying for them. Talk to your Gemini and let them know that you've noticed how they act around others. If you're comfortable doing so, tell them that you know they're committed to them and trust them completely. It can help if you tell them directly and specifically what bothers you. If you mention vague behavior patterns, they might not understand what you're talking about.
They tell you they're fine when they don't seem fine. A Gemini typically doesn't shy away from telling you how they really feel. If they're glossing over something, it's usually because they want to put some emotional distance between the two of you. Let them know that their behavior or attitude doesn't seem to match what they're telling you and see how they respond. It might be that they're not aware that they're sending you mixed messages. Remember that the twins have a duality about them—it could be that one part of them is having some issues while the other part of them is totally happy.
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