A leader who charmed the nation
A leader who charmed the nation
Every single day that Pramod Mahajan spent at the Hinduja Hospital, the whole nation prayed for his well-being.

New Delhi: Every single day that Pramod Mahajan spent at the Hinduja Hospital, the whole nation prayed for him, practically clinging on to every bit of news coming out of the hospital.

BJP party workers and loyalists - not just in the Hindi-speaking belts of the country, but also in South India - performed elaborate hawans in the hope of some kind of divine intervention.

For the not-so-religious-minded, an SMS campaign appeared to be the best way of communicating their solidarity with Pramod and the kind of tech-savvy BJP he projected.

And it was not just the masses who were praying for this leader, but such has been his charisma, that even Pandit Jasraj lent his voice in chorus with the rest of the nation, in a solemn prayer.

There was some hope in the form of Pradeep Prakash, the Chief Manager of a bank, who like Mahajan, had survived bullet injuries, but that too was seen diminishing as the leader plunged from being in a somewhat stable, to 'stable but critical' to a 'highly critical' condition.

Through all those stages, as the nation stood by Mahajan and his family, one thing became very clear - No young leader since Rajiv Gandhi has commanded the kind of solidarity and support that Pramod Mahajan.

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