A warrior in various fronts
A warrior in various fronts
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The sudden demise of veteran Kerala Congress leader and Food and Civil Supplies Minister T M Jacob brings down..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The sudden demise of veteran Kerala Congress leader and Food and Civil Supplies Minister T M Jacob brings down curtains on an eventful life.In his chequered political career he earned the reputation as one of the most able legislators, who was admired even by political opponents, and also an able administrator who had made his mark in every portfolio he had handled.Leaders across the political spectrum would have no difference of opinion about the administrative ability and the legislative acumen of Jacob. If former Chief Minister C Achutha Menon had complimented him and pointed out in the late seventies that Jacob, who entered the Assembly for the first time representing Piravom constituency in the 1977 election, is a man to be watched, UDF leaders have had no doubt about his knack to deal with extremely difficult situations, including political.As Education Minister in the K Karunakaran Government in the 80’s, he had presented the Pre-Degree Board, a novel idea in the higher education sector, as his brainchild but had to backout in the face of stiff opposition from Left parties. Later, the state also become witness to the fact that many education reforms initiated had it’s roots in his original initiative.School youth festival had attained its present form and stature during his stewardship in the ministry.He had also excelled in the portfolios of Irrigation- Culture, in the A K Antony Government. In the present Oommen Chandy Government, he was one of the most highly performing ministers. He introduced the popular scheme of distributing 25 kg rice at Re one-per-kg for the BPL families.Right from the student days, his foray into public life was notable as he ascended the leadership of the Kerala Students Congress (KSC) and the Youth Front and rose to the leadership of the Kerala Congress. Even when he fell out with the leadership of the KC (M), he had carved a political space in the Piravom- Kothamangalam belt, thereby making his voice heard. The intricacies of the Kerala Congress politics never deterred him from taking a stand on his own, despite facing heavy challenges in most of the contests to the the Assembly. He had even ventured to merge his splinter KC group with K Karunakaran’s DIC in 2005. But he soon showed his political wisdom by breaking away from the party and reviving his outfit head of the 2011 Assembly elections.Even as the leader of a miniscule regional outfit, Jacob had maintained cordial relationship with political leaders of all hues.His interest to dwelve deep into legislative procedures and business was amazing, as he maintained an extensive library in his house. He had told this correspondent once that his days in the Opposition benches were used fruitfully to undertake research on the legislative history and ruling.His organisational skills in keeping most of the members of his party together had surprised other KC group leaders.The finesse and meticulous style of functioning of Jacob made work of those associated with him in the party and in the administration easier. After severe Hepatitis-B bout while he was a Minister in the A K Antony Government, his health was often not keeping well during the past decade despite specialist treatment in hospitals abroad.A true faithful in the Jacobite fold of the Church, he was honoured by the Holy See of Antioch.

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