Senior Superintendent of Police Satyarth Anirudh Pankaj was on Tuesday evening shifted to Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital's COVID-19 ward after the test report came in, Chief Medical Officer G S Bajpai said.
Hours after being transferred out of Allahabad, the district's police chief on Tuesday learnt he has tested positive for coronavirus.
Senior Superintendent of Police Satyarth Anirudh Pankaj was on Tuesday evening shifted to Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital's COVID-19 ward after the test report came in, Chief Medical Officer G S Bajpai said.
Earlier, the gunner provided to the SSP had been found positive for the virus.
The Uttar Pradesh government transferred several police officers late Monday night.
Pankaj was replaced by Pilibhit SP Abhishek Dixit.
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