An open letter to Dr Kalam
An open letter to Dr Kalam
I know you are tired to fulfill your duties as President, but still I am expecting more from you.

Dear and Respected Abdul Kalamji,

I would like to convey our Motherland's wishes in her own words: “You have done a lot for me, by putting your efforts, dreams, knowledge, enjoyment and life for technological development, and you’re the inspiration to the coming generations to do so. I know you are tired to fulfill your duties as President, but still I am expecting more from you, I don’t have another son like you to do the revolutionary work for a better future. I don’t think that I am going to have another First Citizen like you, who do not belong to any political party. I am dreaming to have you for a second term. Live long my Dear Son."

We don’t want anyone from the list of contenders as President. They all are hardcore politicians and biased towards their party. As a matter of fact, we don’t want any politician as President.

The motive of a politician is to grab the power, retain that within their family and loot the country to any possible extent. To achieve this, they are working together under different political parties. Having a party system in democracy is like planting a seed and constructing a concrete building on top of it.

The party system is a cancer to the democratic system. We all know that the political party system is abusing the powers in the name of democracy around the world. That’s the reason our Constitution is silent about a party system, and our forefathers didn’t want the political parties. But we have had a party system for 60 years; the result is one family ruled us for more than 35 years and by one party for 45 years. Anyone can prove that the political parties are corrupt, just by using the media, such as newspapers columns. Just for example the recent election in UP proves that the political parties are playing with cast and religion. Doesn’t it create enmity between the people? Aren’t political parties responsible for this?

We were allowed to have political parties formed based on religion, cast and regions, isn’t it unconstitutional? Is it a patriotic thing? Political parties have gone too far in their obsession with power and corruption. They have failed to rule ethically and efficiently in the last 60 years and they don’t have any motive to do that in future.

Please stay in the course regardless of support from the political parties, we need you more than ever, the whole nation is behind you (all surveys proved that) for another term. Some parties may argue only one term for you, why doesn’t the same rule apply to all politicians as they are elected as MLA or MP or as party president or whatever post?

Some parties are trying to have their own party candidate for the post of President to hijack the democracy and the coming election. It’s not a surprise that you aren’t likeable for them, because you didn’t act as their puppet, you stood there for the Constitution and for us. The President shouldn’t be a puppet or dummy in a democratic country. It is the time to elect a President and Election Commissioners directly through public election, and without political party intervention.

As per the Constitution, anyone who is older than 35 years can contest, and the elected MPs, MLAs and RS members will elect a President. Political parties do not have any role in this. Then why are the presidents of political parties (the dictators of the political parties) are discussing, lobbying and tampering with (by issuing the whip against their party MLAs and MPs not to vote for anyone other than what they suggested) the outcome of the Presidential election? Do they have any right to do that? What kind of democracy is this? Doesn’t it amount to backstabbing to the Constitution? Why isn’t the Supreme Court taking any suo motto action against these parties?

Please stay in the ballet and prove that the motive of political parties is to have their own candidate for their benefit. The coming election will be the last one for all the political parties. We need you there to make it happen. Your winning is the key and first step towards another freedom fight to save the democracy.

Vande Mataram.

Thanking You

Vishnu Alluri

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