HYDERABAD: An 18-year-old intermediate girl student set herself ablaze at Hayathnagar on Sunday allegedly fearing that separate T state might not become a reality.The girl, D Bhavani, a first year Inter student of Navodaya junior college in Nagole, was the daughter of Narasimha, a toddy-tapper. According to locals and police, Bhavani used to take active part in T agitations.On Sunday morning, Bhavani’s parents went to a nearby village for shopping.Bhavani sent her younger brother and sister out of the house and locked herself inside and set herself ablaze.On noticing smoke emanating from the house, locals broke open the door and found Bhavani dead with burns.Police said, Bhavani wrote on the walls in Telugu which meant, “Jai Telangana. I am taking the step as I fear Telangana would not be a reality. No one is responsible,” she wrote on the walls.Police shifted the body to Osmania General Hospital.In another incident, an APSRTC conductor ended his life at Manchal on Sunday evening allegedly depressed over the delay in formation of Telangana state.The conductor was actively participating in the RTC employees’ bandh. The deceased, N Lakshamiah (30), was a conductor in the RTC Ibrahimpatnam depot. He was a resident of Lingampally near Manchal in Ranga Reddy district.Lakshmaiah hanged himself from the ceiling fan when his family members were away.Around 5 p.m, Lakshmaiah’s mother returned home and found her son hanging. A suicide note purportedly written by Lakshmaiah was recovered in which the deceased stated that he was ending his life depressed over the delay in the formation of T state.
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