BMRCL Bangalore Recruitment 2018 application process to fill 99 vacancies for the posts of Assistant Executive Engineer & Assistant Engineer has begun on the official website of Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited , Bangalore - english.bmrc.co.in.
BMRCL aims to engage selected candidates in the Project Wing on contract basis for 3 years. Interested candidates must apply for the relevant post on or before 31st August 2018, 4:00 PM by following the instructions given below:
How to apply for BMRCL Recruitment 2018 for Assistant Executive Engineer & Assistant Engineer Posts?
Step 1 – Visit the official website - http://english.bmrc.co.in/
Step 2 - Click on ‘Careers’ on the top of home page
Step 2 – Click on the ‘Notification’ against ‘No.BMRCL/ 75/ ADM/ 2018/ PRJ Dated : 01.08.2018’
Step 3 – a PDF file will display
Step 4 – Download the application form and take a printout
Step 5 – Fill the application form with required information
Step 6 – Send the hardcopy of the duly filled application form along with other required documents at the below mentioned address:
‘The General Manager (HR), Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited, III Floor, BMTC Complex, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore 560027’
Direct Link - http://english.bmrc.co.in/FileUploads/17ccba_CareerFiles.pdf
BMRCL Recruitment 2018 - Vacancy Details:
Total Posts: 99
Assistant Executive Engineer – 31
Assistant Engineer - 68
Eligibility Criteria:
Assistant Executive Engineer – The applicant must be BE/ B.Tech in Civil Engineering with at least 8 years experience in large infrastructure project execution.
Assistant Engineer - The applicant must be BE/ B.Tech in Civil Engineering or Diploma in Civil Engineering with minimum experience of 5 years in design and construction supervision and other activities such as supervision, piling casting yard, launching of girders, U/G structures and tunneling, track linking in large infrastructure projects.
Applicants are advised to read through the official advertisement to ascertain their eligibility:
Official Advertisement:
Age Limit:
The age of the applicant should not be more than 40 years for the post of Assistant Executive Engineer and 35 years for the post of Assistant Engineer.
Pay Scale:
Assistant Executive Engineer – The selected candidates will be eligible to receive a monthly pay of Rs.55860.
Assistant Engineer – The selected candidates will be eligible to receive a monthly pay of Rs. Rs.48280.
Selection Process:
The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of an Interview.
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