Browse through your favourite book 26x7
Browse through your favourite book 26x7
KOCHI: Tired of parading in and out of libraries?  Here is a happy news for book lovers. Now, books will be just a click away..

KOCHI: Tired of parading in and out of libraries?  Here is a happy news for book lovers. Now, books will be just a click away. Yes, this is true. All you need to do is visit the website group of three youngsters- Casey Nestor Fernandez, Romana Correya and  Mellwyn Joseph, who are extremely passionate about reading, have started an organisation named 26x7, which solely aims at promoting the joys of reading."Though Kerala is said to have one of the best literacy rates in the country, the ground reality is that the readership rate in the state is on the decline," says Casey Nestor.Under 26x7, they promote the joy of reading through a couple of their initiatives such as lending library (home reading service), a book lovers' discussion forum (BookTime) and through other mediums leveraging on the latest technologies available."In this busy world, we mostly come across people who are reluctant to go to a library because of the lack of time. Another reason is the absence of libraries near their homes. To banish those excuses and bring youngsters more closer to books we have started the home reading service project Readers' Web to help book lovers," Casey says."26x7 represents the number of letters in English. It is a must to know about the trends in reading in Kochi. So, we visited many colleges and libraries in the district to know about the reading trends," he says."The readers can see the details of books and their covers online, but couldn't access the content. You don't have to pay online. You have to pay only after the first delivery," he says.Their another initiative BookTime was inauguarted on November 26. It conducts storytelling and reading sessions for children. Writer Anwar Abdullah inaugurated the function. "Ours is the first kind of library which can be read simply sitting at home," he said. "For this we left our jobs and sold our cars to meet the money for starting the project. One of our members Mellwyn is working as we don't want to turn to someone else for financial assistance in times of emergencies."Casey, an engineering graduate in bioinformatics has worked with Johnson & Johnson, Delhi. Romana Correya is a graduate from St Teresa's College, and Mellwyn Joseph a BTech graduate in biotechnology.

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