Ceasefire agreement defunct: LTTE chief
Ceasefire agreement defunct: LTTE chief
Velupillai Prabhakaran on Monday said that the 2002 cease-fire with Sri Lankan government was "defunct''.

Colombo: Top Tamil Tiger rebel leader Velupillai Prabhakaran on Monday said that the 2002 cease-fire with Sri Lankan government was "defunct''.

He blamed the Sri Lankan government for failing to solve the Tamil homeland demand through negotiations and added that an independent Tamil land is the only solution.

"The Rajapakse regime hopes to decide the fate of the Tamil nation using its military power. It wants to occupy the Tamil land and then force an unacceptable solution on the Tamils,'' Prabhakaran said in his annual policy speech, referring to President Mahinda Rajapakse.

Prabhakaran also said a 2002 cease-fire was "defunct.''

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