Clampdown on protesters in Malyasia creates ripples
Clampdown on protesters in Malyasia creates ripples
M Karunanidhi has written to the PM urging him to intervene.

New Delhi: Ethnic Indians in Kuala Lumpur are protesting against racial discrimination in Malaysia. The government there was quick to crush the demonstrations held on Sunday by the 10,000-strong protesters, most of them Tamils, who add to more than 90 per cent of the Indian community there.

The protests have stopped temporarily, but the anger is widespread. More protests are being planned.

“We have become slaves in this country. We were born here, our children are born here, our next future born are going to be born here. What is going on in this country?" said a protestor, Sri Rama.

Malaysian Prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has threatened to use the Internal Security Act of the protests continue. The law allows indefinite detention without trial. The protests are also a problem to ethnic Indian politicians too. The longest serving minister in the country, S Samy Vellu, who also heads the Malaysian Indian Congress, has dismissed the agitation as unnecessary.

"They are just leveling unfounded excuses in order to popularize themselves. I considered them. They are not fighting for the Indians. They are fighting to create a problem," said Samy Vellu.

Now, the protests are creating ripples across the seas in India too. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi and MDMK leader Vaiko have written to the Centre, urging the prime minister to step in. Karunanidhi in a letter said – “The people of Tamil Nadu are disturbed over the happenings in Kuala Lumpur. I wish to convey the concern and worry of the Tamils in the treatment being meted out to their brethren in Malaysia for a very long time.”

With the possibility of more Dravidian parties joining the bandwagon, the Malaysian protests could become a political hot potato for the UPA.

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