Coalition won't let us move fast: PM
Coalition won't let us move fast: PM
Dr Manmohan Singh has said India's foreign policy is to promote the country's enlightened national interest.

New Delhi: In his second annual press conference in 20 months, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke on a wide range of issues including evolving Indo-US relations, the Iran crisis, his relation with the Left parties, coalition headaches and why he wasn't a teflon Prime Minister.

The PM also revealed that the government has decided to create a new Pay Commission.

"The Administrative Reforms Commission, too, has suggested a few changes," he added.

Speaking on India's bilateral relations with Pakistan, China and the US, the PM said India's relations with the US and China are better than ever before.

"India is a sought after destination. India's growing relations with the US and China is an indication of the growing clout that india has come to wield."

He said the government attaches great importance to friendly relations with Pakistan. When his attention was drawn to Musharraf's statement that the two countries are enemies and cannot talk to each other, Dr Singh said: "India and Pakistan are neighbours and we have no choice but to engage them."

"We are prepared for pragmatic solutions to all outstanding problems with Pakistan," the PM asserted.

On the Kashmir issue, the PM said all people should have a sense of belonging. "We are prepared to talk to Hurriyat," he pledged.

Dwelling on coalition politics, the PM said UPA government is run by consensus and asserted that the government is going to last its full five-year term.

"Government of the type that we run has been good. I have been able to reconcile the issues of many leaders to run this coalition."

He, however, admitted that coalition does impose constraints. "In some areas, we can't act as fast as we wanted."

He said the forthcoming elections in Kerala, Bengal are contributing to the tough posturing by the Left on various issues.


"In a coalition, pressures on government are part of a process of introspection," he said.

Dr Singh declined to give himself any scorecard on the performance of his government.

"Last time I made a comment which was criticised by my own party colleagues. So this time, I would like you to judge the performance of our government," Dr Singh said.

The Prime Minister had given himself a score of six out of 10 on completion of one year of the UPA Government.

"Judge my performance by my work," PM

Saying that the 'taste of pudding lies in its eating', the PM rubbished the statement of BJP leader L K Advani that he is the 'weakest' premier and said the people would judge him by his works.

"The taste of pudding lies in its eating. I would like to be judged by my work and not by what BJP leader L K Advani is saying," he said

Dr Singh said the government will not yield to any pressure when it comes to its nuclear policy.

"There is no question of bending. We have clear objectives. We will maintain a critical minimum deterrent and there is no question about that."

The Prime Minister also made it clear that there is no deadline on India-US nuclear deal. "Our relation with the US is not limited to a civil nuke deal. We want to have a diverse relationship with the US."

He said the government was very keen to have international cooperation to 'promote trade in nuclear materials so that nuclear security gets an added cutting edge'.

He referred to the ongoing negotiations with the Nuclear Suppliers Group, but did not give any details on the talks.

He, however, made an assurance that the country would be 'fully involved through Parliament' on the matter.

"There will be complete transparency. I will take the first opportunity to make a statement in Parliament on India's negotiations with the United States on the issue," he said.

He also said India and the US will review various bilateral initiatives, including the agreement on civilian nuclear cooperation, during President George W Bush's forthcoming visit in March.


"It will be a time for us to review the status of our relations with the US. Some initiatives were taken with regard to cooperation in civilian nuclear power, science and techonolgy, agriculture and between business communities of the two countries. It will a time for us to review where we stand," Singh said.

Some other key statements that the PM made:

  • The government has decided to constitute a new Pay Commission. The Administrative Reforms Commission has also suggested a few changes.
  • There may be difficulties in India getting a seat in the UN Security Council, but India is qualified for this.
  • The act of freezing and defreezing Quattrocchi accounts was not done at the behest of the government.
  • The Right to Information Act is a revolutionary step.
  • The government is deciding on steps to restore the minority status of Aligarh Muslim University.
  • There should be a public debate on sting operations.
  • The media has a big responsibility. It should exercise its power in a wider interest.
  • 9 to 10 per cent economic growth is possible in next two to three years.
  • We will continue to provide cumulative prices for our farmers. The prices are kept in reasonable control.
  • We should be able to get rid of extreme poverty.
  • We will ensure that food prices remain under control.
  • The Government wants to ensure energy security for the country.
  • It's not new for the Prime Minister to handle foreign affairs.
  • No disinvestment in core public sector companies.
  • India's economic ties with various nations have grown in the last two years.
  • No state is being discriminated against by the Central government.
  • Fiscal situation has improved in the last 20 months.
  • Congress is as strong as it should be in UP and Bihar.
  • All parties will have to sit and decide on a strategy against tainted MPs. No one party can decide on this alone.
  • On Rahul Gandhi: The younger generation has to take more responsibility.
  • Most infrastructure sectors seeing unprecedented growth.
  • No confrontation took place with Bengal Chief Minister over Indo-US military exercise.
  • Non-alignment is an attitude of the mind. One of the benefits is to take an independent view for national interest.
  • I was not in favour of MPLAD when it was introduced. Parliament has to assess the utility of the scheme.
  • Sonia Gandhi and I have ensured harmonious functioning of the Government.
  • Government has agreed to cooperate with Saudi Arabia on energy, terror fight and investments.
  • Fiscal situation has improved in the last 20 months.
  • There are differences of opinion and perception in the judiciary on Supreme Court's Bihar judgment.
  • Detailed blueprint in place for rural employment scheme.
  • We believe in a broad -based and moderate taxation regime.
  • It's not a disqualification for a governor to be involved in politics.
  • Government is concerned over the distress of the farming community.
  • Government plans to reform rural credit structure.
  • The generating capacity of the power sector has to be increased. The transmission has to be improved. All public utilities should be priced at a realistic level. And yes there is scope for power subsidy.
  • I am not disowning the responsibilities for whatever happened in the trouble-mired states.
  • Free trade agreement with Asean soon.
  • Ties with US have been upgraded.

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