Does courtship bring genes into play?
Does courtship bring genes into play?
Being around the opposite sex activates genes to perform certain courtship rituals.

Washington: Being around the opposite sex activates genes to perform certain courtship rituals, says a new study.

Scientists have edged closer to understanding our mating behaviour by studying how genes interact in fruit flies during such interactions.

This research by Texas A&M University shows that courtship behaviours may be far more influenced by genetics than previously thought, the journal Genetics reports.

Besides, understanding why and how these genes become activated within social contexts may also lead to insight into disorders such as autism, according to a Texas A&M statement.

"Be careful who you interact with," said Ginger E. Carney, biologist and study co-author at Texas A&M.

"The choice may affect your physiology, behaviour and health in unexpected ways."

To study this, the scientists compared gene expression profiles in males that courted females, males that interacted with other males, and males that did not interact with other flies.

The investigators identified a common set of genes that respond to the presence of either sex.

They also discovered that there are other genes that are only affected by being placed with members of a particular sex, either male or female.

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