: Gold bars and chains worth Rs 39.56 lakh were seized from four air passengers on arrival here from Dubai over the last two days, Customs said on Sunday. Acting on inputs, the sleuths found gold bars in the pant pockets of two passengers on Saturday, a press release said. Later that night, the Customs personnel detected gold in paste form and chains in the socks and pant pockets of two more passengers, the release said.
Chennai:: Gold bars and chains worth Rs 39.56 lakh were seized from four air passengers on arrival here from Dubai over the last two days, Customs said on Sunday. Acting on inputs, the sleuths found gold bars in the pant pockets of two passengers on Saturday, a press release said. Later that night, the Customs personnel detected gold in paste form and chains in the socks and pant pockets of two more passengers, the release said.
The gold seized in both the incidents weighed 758 grams worth Rs 39.56 lakh, the release said, adding an investigation was on.
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