ICAR AIEEA Re-exam Admit card 2018 is expected to be released anytime soon by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) on its official website - icar.org.in.
The All Indian Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA) 2018 re-examination is scheduled to take place on 18th and 19th August (Saturday and Sunday) from 10:00 AM till 12:30 PM in offline mode, after ICAR released a notice of cancellation of ICAR AIEEA 2018 Computer Based Test (CBT) which was originally scheduled for June 2018.
Candidates who had successfully applied for the ICAR AIEEA 2018 must keep a close tab on the official website to download admit card for the re-examination 2018.
Information like examination centre, date, time and venue will be available on the admit card.
The link for updating the exam city for AIEEA 2108 for admissions to undergraduate and postgraduate agricultural courses for re-examination was available on the website till 5th August 2018.
The candidates, who were not able to complete the activity of selecting exam center, would be allotted any center from the 56 examination city centres by ICAR.
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