India's resurgence to New Bharath
India's resurgence to New Bharath
Well as a country and culture we have 6,000 years of history not 60 years.

Well as a country and culture we have 6,000 years of history not 60 years. This blog here is to re-wind from days forgotten.

First, the good things about Bharath. A culture which was once a light house for entire world has now become a twilight zone. Well no other country or culture has been so universal in its view point and action. No country has been slaved like this for nearly 1,500 years under alien rule and 60 years of no-rule (after Independence). Still it has its packets of quanta stored with pristine beauty. Only country/culture, sorry actually its way of living called "Bharath", where every body was harmonious with little conflicts. Now we live in conflicts with occassional harmony.

To say few nice things which helped in preserving our country as a whole were Ayurveda (5,000 years of documented medicinal system), nothing can match this. Yoga set of techniques to keep body and mind in harmony. Land of Kamasutra, Kundalini and bountiful mysticim. Well we were once a great country in science, technology and medicine. A civilisation of Indus Valley enormity.

Countless and great poets to name a few (Bharathi, Tagore, Thiruvalluvar).

Recently as a country we are shining as per our stock markets. But will this lead us to harmony? That is a million dollar question. The rich-poor divide, the crime rate, natural resources depletion, conflicts in the name of religion and caste, shall we be able to cater the educational needs, rural-urban divide, health care... ohhhhh its ominous.

First if Bharath alias India has to get rid of its problems as a individual we need to contribute not with sympathy but with apathy. Also we have this rare disease called comparision with fellow countries. Is that going to prove any thing if we are in the race are not. All that is needed ha to be accumulated then and there like military but should be at its barest minimum to protect our people from any sort of un-mindful aggression.

Also the present education system is also a great problem with cut-throat competition introduced to us by (Mc-Cauley). Should we not as a individual try to realise that money is not every thing in this world. For India to become not number one in economy but in its ancient wisdom of universal well being beyond the borders of country, caste, religion in to universal consciousness.

First step towards that is we should transform as an individual not by force but by sheer understanding.

(Disclaimer: This is my personal view and all these points here in my blog is not to propagate any viewpoint)

(Lakshmi Narasimhan M is a software engineer based in Bangalore)

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