Lakeshore nurses gear up for fresh stir
Lakeshore nurses gear up for fresh stir
KOCHI: The stand-off between nurses and the management at the Lakeshore Hospital has intensified once again with the nurses decidi..

KOCHI: The stand-off between nurses and the management at the Lakeshore Hospital has intensified once again with the nurses deciding to resort to strike again. The nurses’ association has declared a strike at the hospital on March 12, if talks with the management and the Labour Department fail to yield any positive results.The nurses’ association alleged that the management has terminated the contract of two trainees, in a move against the nurses who had participated in the strike held in January. The management, on the other hand, denied it saying that the two had left the hospital because their training period ended.“The Labour Department had directed the management not to take any action against the striking nurses during talks held in January to resolve the issue. But, the management terminated the contracts of two trainees, who were paid minimum wages for the past two months,” said nurses’ association president Bibin Chacko.“The management is also shuffling the nurses in different departments. Nurses, who have been assisting surgeons for three to four years are suddenly being posted in wards. It is difficult for us to adapt to the new situation quickly,” he added.According to the trainees, who were asked to discontinue, they were recruited after a test and an interview in August 2011. “We were asked to leave without notice, on March 3. We were not even given the experience letter for the work we did at the hospital,” said Tony Babu, one of the trainees. The management said that 18 trainees had joined the hospital and they will discontinue once their training period ends. “Nurses without registration from Kerala cannot be employed in the hospital. While joining, they had agreed to complete their training and leave. The Labour Department had asked us to avoid taking in trainees in January itself. But we waited till their training period ended. The training provided by us will help them get jobs elsewhere,” said Dr Philip Augustine, MD of Lakeshore Hospital. “We have fulfilled all the promises made during the talks held to end the strike and the salary is being paid through bank accounts,” he added.Meanwhile, the Labour Department said the nurses should approach the labour court if they feel exploited. “If the management is unfair, the nurses should approach the Labour Department. However, they have given a strike notice for March 12. There will be a meeting with the management and nurses on March 10, and it is hoped that an amicable solution is found,” said Vincent Alex, Joint Labour Commissioner.

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