Men: Game for platonic dates!
Men: Game for platonic dates!
There is more to a man than just that hormonal desire for carnal sex.

Contrary to popular misconception, there is more to a man than just that hormonal desire for carnal sex. And as alien as it may sound, platonic dating is not such an alien concept after all! Most young men are all for it!

As the term suggests, platonic dating is a relationship that is free from physical desire. Boy meets girl, they eat popcorn, watch movie and go home - she to hers, he to his.

Or they meet at a neighbourhood coffee shop for their cuppa sinful caffeine. Not even the customary 'let us get flirty' or 'we won't go all the way' is allowed here.

Entrepreneur Raj Sheth is all for platonic dating. The way he sees it, not only does he get to have fun the harmless way but it also helps him put things in perspective.

"I am back in India after living in Boston for almost seven years. Platonic dating allows me to meet members of the opposite sex in a 'no strings attached' kind of way. Eventually, I would like to see how the relationship evolves," he says.

Back in Boston, Raj was, in a manner of speaking, platonically dating his friend Michelle. They went to clubs, bars and movies every two months.

Adds Raj, "Michelle and I were never attracted to each other in a sexual way. In fact, for the three-four years I knew her, she was in and out of a few relationships as well."

"When you go out on a platonic date, you look for something in common with the person you are with, minus the excess baggage. It helps if both individuals know that they are not in it for the sex," asserts Abhijeet Kini, who works as an animator-visualiser.

However, our boys do agree that a platonic date is not a substitute for a 'real' date and may or may not survive a certain time frame. What happens when either one starts dating someone else? Would his / her partner allow for and appreciate such a relationship?

Publicist Anupam Sehgal voices a vehement, "No!" According to him, platonic dating would meet a natural death once either partner gets involved with someone else.

All the men agree that they would not be comfortable going out on a platonic date if they were 'dating' someone else. However, multiple platonic dates were acceptable to all!


Taking a contrary view is fashion consultant Karan Berry who says, "Irrespective of whether I was dating someone else, I see nothing wrong in going out on a platonic date. The comfort zone of being in a non-sexual relationship is what makes it so attractive. Even my mum agrees!"

Most platonic dates begin as just that, usually with strangers on social and business network sites or through friends and acquaintances.

But that does not rule out the possibility of a platonic date evolving into something more.

"Well, I would definitely like to see where the relationship is headed; you never know what happens. Until then, it is a great idea to meet like minded people," believes Abhijeet.

What makes platonic dating such a great idea is the fact that it takes the pressure off you! Imagine not having to worry about looking your Sunday best or saying the right things.

It allows you to be who you are - wherever, whenever - and also lets you be comfortable and relaxed with the person you are with.

Psychiatrist Dr. Dayal Mirchandani puts forth a different perspective. He explains, "Platonic dating is seen more in those countries, which are modern or westernised. Most platonic daters are asexual in a way. Many homosexual men and women go on platonic dates with members of the opposite sex."

According to Dr. Dayal, in a traditional country such as ours, intermingling of the sexes is not allowed and platonic dating may not even be encouraged or seen as a positive thing. However, he does agree that it is a positive and healthy social trend, which needs to be encouraged.

All said and done, platonic dating is not for everyone. But if you are willing to go the whole nine yards, well almost, a platonic date is a great idea for some Saturday night fun and frolic. Go on then, just do it!


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