Mush’s college education: Bomb-making
Mush’s college education: Bomb-making
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf learnt the art of making time bomb when he was in college.

New York: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf learnt the art of making time bomb when he was in college and got rapped by his warden when he pulled a prank to scare him.

"It was in Forman Christian College in Lahore that I learned how to make a time bomb, which I later used as a commando to good effect," Musharraf writes in his book In The Line Of Fire.

He candidly admits that in today's age of terror, this is hardly a thing to own up to "but those were relatively innocent times, and the only kind of home-made bomb then known was the Molotov cocktail".

Musharraf says he soon learnt that the fuse of a normal firecracker attached to a filter less cigarette could become a timed fuse, depending on the length of the cigarette.

“It was time to experiment. Musharraf and three others left a time cracker in a big steel trash bin outside the house of their warden, Datta. There was a deafening bang and everyone started running towards the warden's house,” recalls Musharraf in his book.

Two other bombs placed outside the assistant warden's house and inside a mailbox also exploded, creating utter confusion.

Hameed, one of the quartets, was threatened by Datta to spill the beans or face expulsion. When this was conveyed to him, Musharraf told Hameed to speak the truth. Hameed then disclosed that Musharraf was the culprit.

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