No room for foreigners at Japanese inns and hotels
No room for foreigners at Japanese inns and hotels
If you'd don't speak our language, you're not welcome here.

Tokyo: Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs says over 70 per cent of Japanese inns and hotels that didn't have foreign guests last year don't want any in the future either.

The ministry says that a survey of such businesses showed they feel unable to support foreign languages and that their facilities are not suited to foreigners.

The survey released Thursday shows that over 60 per cent of Japan's inns and hotels had foreign guests last year, but the majority of the rest don't want any.

It was released as Japan continues its efforts to attract more foreign visitors. The country's "Visit Japan Campaign" aims to draw 10 million foreigners to the country for trips and business in the year 2010, up from 8.35 million last year.

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