Panguni Uthiram is an annual Hindu festival celebrated by the Tamil community across the globe. It falls on a full moon day when the moon transits in the nakshatra of Uttara-phalguni or Uthiram.
According to the Hindu mythology, the festival marks the wedding day of Parvati and Lord Shiva, Murugan and Deivanai, and Aandaal and Rangamannar. The festival which is considered as one of the most auspicious days of the year is celebrated in a grand manner.
The 10-day long festivities are held at the Palani temple while other Murugan temples too witness huge crowds of devotees. Since Panguni Uthiram celebrates the essential event in the lives of different Hindu Gods, people offer prayers at various temples with their friends and family.
However, this year, all temples are shut due to the coronavirus lockdown.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has imposed the 21-day long nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the deadly pandemic.
Till now, a total of 79 people have lost their lives due to the virus while over three thousand people have tested positive for the deadly COVID-19 disease in India.
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