Researchers develop QWERTY keyboard for the smart watch generation
Researchers develop QWERTY keyboard for the smart watch generation
Called Zoomboard, the penny-sized QWERTY keyboard for touchscreens looks positively minute on first glance.

Mumbai: The smart watch revolution is only just about beginning but is expected to pick up great speed later this year when Apple unveils iWatch. Even Microsoft is said to be preparing a smart watch, while LG and Samsung have also announced that they are working on their versions of a connected wrist watch.

With devices like Pebble already out in the market, research on how to best use the limited real estate on a watch is in full swing. The MIT Technology Review has a report on the latest example.

A group of Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed a keyboard application to work on displays as small as the one on Pebble smart watch or even smaller.

Called Zoomboard, the penny-sized QWERTY keyboard for touchscreens looks positively minute on first glance. But a tap on any section of the keyboard magnifies it, thus making typing easier even on tiny screens.

The group will be presenting Zoomboard and the experiments they ran to test its utility at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Paris next week. And even though there is no intention of commercialising Zoomboard just yet, the very compact source code is available online for further development.

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