SBI PO Interview Admit Card 2018 has been released by the State Bank of India (SBI) on its official website – sbi.co.in. SBI is scheduled to organize the final leg of Probationary
Officers recruitment via Advertisement No: CRPD/PO/2018-19/01 from 24th September 2018 to 12th October 2018, for candidates who’ve successfully cleared the first two stages viz Prelims and Mains. Eligible candidates can follow the instructions below and download their Interview Call Letters on or before 12th October 2018:
How to download SBI PO Interview Admit Card 2018?
Step 1 – Visit the official webpage for recruitments - https://sbi.co.in/careers/
Step 2 – Under Advertisement No: CRPD/PO/2018-19/01, click on ‘Interview Call Letters (New)’
Step 3 – Select Hindi/English, Enter your Registration No / Roll No, Password / DOB(DD-MM-YY), Captcha code and click on Login
Step 4 – Download your Interview Call Letter and take a printout for further reference
Direct Link - http://ibps.sifyitest.com/sbipoapr18/clinta_aug18/login.php?appid=eab58c3198c5e4ea367f8c9055f18d4b
The Admit Cards will carry important information like date, time and venue allotted to individual candidates. Candidates must download the Bio-Data form as given below and fill it with required details.
Important Documents to be submitted on the Interview Day:
1. Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth.
2. Degree/Diploma certificate along with mark sheets
3. Two Character certificates as given in the Bio Data form (link Below) https://www.sbi.co.in/webfiles/uploads/files/1535985610682_BIODATA_PO.pdf
4. Caste certificate (if applicable)
5. Medical Certificate by Persons With Disability (PWD) (if applicable)
6. Relevant documents in case of Name Change
7. Certificate in respect of Age-Relaxation.
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