Wife Michelle, Barack Obama's strongest supporter
Wife Michelle, Barack Obama's strongest supporter
Obama gets wife Michelle and Senator Kennedy to rally for him.

Denver: The Democratic party's Denver convention witnessed more than 4,400 delegates pledging their support to Barack Obama.

Barack Obama's wife Michelle spoke at the convention and rallied support for her husband.

Barack Obama too briefly addressed the delegates via satellite from Kansas City, where he is campaigning.

He'll be officially nominated as the Democratic candidate for President in this four-day long convention.

The official nomination is held as a historic step as Obama is the first African-American candidate to be promoted as a presidential candidate.

Michelle Obama made a strong pitch for her husband Barack on Monday.

She identified herself with millions of middle-class Americans and appealing to their aspirations.

"Barack Obama doesn't care where you are from or what your background is. He does not care what party you belong to. He is running to end the war in Iraq responsibly to build an economy, to ensure healthcare for every Amercian and to make sure every single child in this nation has a world class education from pre-school to college. That's what Barack Obama will do as President of the United States of America," Michelle said.

Ailing Senator Edward Kennedy and Michelle Obama electrified Democrats gathered in Denver on Monday night with their emotional speeches as they prepared to formally nominate Barack Obama the party’s presidential candidate. The official nomination is slated for Thursday.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, the last surviving child of President John F. Kennedy presented Senator Kennedy, who is fighting brain cancer and that brought the crowd to its feet.

Kennedy's quotes that, "The work begins anew. The hope rises again, and the dream lives on,"brought tears to many people's eyes.

Michelle Obama highlighted the achievements of Hillary Clinton by recalling her lines, "...who put those 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, so that our daughters - and our sons - can dream a little bigger and aim a little higher."

He will be extraordinary

Michelle's carefully drafted speech emphasised her own working class roots and those Barack Obama.

"I come here as a wife who loves her husband and believes he will be an extraordinary president. I come here as a Mom who loves her girls...their future and the future of all our children. That is my stake in this election. And I come here as a daughter raised by parents on the south side of Chicago...I know from these experiences that the American dream endures," Michelle Obama offered.

If elected, Obama would be the first black president of the United States.

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