Apricot Seeds Used In Extraction Of Medicinal Compounds For Blood Pressure And Cancer: Report
Apricot Seeds Used In Extraction Of Medicinal Compounds For Blood Pressure And Cancer: Report
Apricot seeds possess cholesterol-lowering qualities, making them a popular ingredient in various food products.

People commonly consume apricots in their dried form and they are considered stone fruits with kernels inside. Despite being aware that these kernels contain seeds similar to almonds, many individuals often discard them, considering them waste. It’s important to note that these seeds found within apricot kernels are highly beneficial and utilised in various medicines production. According to research published in the American National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Journal, apricot seeds possess remarkable properties that can help prevent numerous diseases.

According to the NCBI journal report. apricot seeds are a byproduct of apricot fruit which is a storehouse of qualities. It not only contains proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates, it also contains many types of medicinal compounds

Various extraction techniques are employed to obtain medicinal compounds from apricot seeds. Research suggests that these seeds can stop the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, apricot seeds have the potential to reduce blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure can lead to strain on the walls of blood vessels, resulting in various heart-related conditions. Therefore, consuming apricot seeds may help in maintaining optimal blood pressure levels and preventing associated health issues.

Apricot seeds possess cholesterol-lowering qualities, making them a popular ingredient in various food products such as low-fat biscuits, cookies and cakes. They are rich in phytochemicals, which aid in protecting the body against numerous diseases. These phytochemicals work to eliminate free radicals from the body, thereby reducing oxidative stress in cells. This helps maintain cellular balance and prevents the transformation of cells into cancerous ones, as well as lessening the risk of heart-related ailments.

As per the report, apricot seeds contain compounds such as acetylcholinesterase, human 15-lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase and interleukin-6. These compounds are extracted from the seeds and utilised in medicinal applications. The report indicates that these compounds derived from apricot seeds find application in medications targeting cancer, skin disorders, cardiovascular ailments, homeostasis regulation, pain management and inflammation control.

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