Experts Answer What Is Skin Cycling And How It Works
Experts Answer What Is Skin Cycling And How It Works
This skincare method involves alternating active and rest phases to improve skin health, prevent acne, and delay ageing.

Skin cycling is an intriguing skincare concept that’s becoming increasingly popular due to its innovative approach to enhancing skin health. It basically involves altering your skincare routine or products in a strategic way to ensure that your skin is constantly stimulated and that the active ingredients remain effective. This technique is gaining popularity because it helps to improve the overall health of your skin.

Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, Aesthetic physician and founder of ISAAC Luxe (International Skin & Anti-Aging Centre), says, “It includes alternating retinol and alternating the use of exfoliants and including one day where you don’t use any actives for your skin barrier to get repaired. From morning invigoration to nighttime repair, Skin Cycling maximizes the efficacy of products, ensuring they harmonize with your skin’s ever-changing demands.

She added, “Skin cycling is making the skincare protocol, by avoiding the overuse of exfoliators and retinol. Your alternative day use of retinol and the skin barrier gets enough time to get repaired. The idea behind skin cycling is rooted in the fact that our skin can become accustomed to the same products over time, making them less effective. By mixing things up regularly, you’re preventing your skin from plateauing and maximizing the benefits of your skincare products.”

DR Rozy Badyal, MBBS, MD Dermatology, DNB, Consultant Dermatologist at Kaya Skin Clinic, New Delhi talking about the process of skin cycling, shares, “It is a four-day regime for skin care with the first night for exfoliating skin, second for applying a retinoid and remaining nights for recovery and skipping active ingredients. The rationale is to prevent the skin barrier from being compromised due to excessive use of active products. It is very similar to the way athletes alternate exercise with rest periods, to get the best outcome.”


It involves a process spanning four nights: Exfoliation, Retinoid and Recovery and repeating the procedure as necessary.

  • NIGHT 1: EXFOLIATIONIt involves either chemical or mechanical exfoliation where an agent with glycolic acid, lactic acid or salicylic acid is used. The idea is to remove dead skin, allowing skin regeneration which enables active ingredients to work efficiently.
  • NIGHT 2: RETINOIDThe use of retinoids enhances cell turnover, to improve the production of collagen and elastin which helps in acne and ageing.
  • NIGHT 3 & 4: RESTING/RECOVERYThis period is meant to nourish the skin’s microbiome and allow the skin barrier to recover from active ingredients by adding a hydrating face moisturiser.

Siddha Jain, Chief Business Officer, Bombae, mentions,”Skin cycling is the manifestation of the “less is more” approach to beauty in 2024. It means pacing out one’s skincare routine to allow the skin to rest and maintain its health. This routine avoids over-exfoliation or inflammation and is perfect for skincare newbies. Since there are a plethora of products today promising radiant skin, it can also be overwhelming.”

The expert further went onto add, “The 4-day skin cycling process can be personalized to one’s skin health and type, but it is important to know that this trend is limited only to PM routines as AM routines remain the same as usual.”

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