Health Benefits of Flaxseed And How to Include it in Your Diet
Health Benefits of Flaxseed And How to Include it in Your Diet
Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds help improve digestion, get clear skin, lower cholesterol, reduce sugar cravings, balance hormones, fight cancer and promote weight loss.

Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds help improve digestion, get clear skin, lower cholesterol, reduce sugar cravings, balance hormones, fight cancer and promote weight loss.

It also contains micronutrients, dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, Iron, potassium, copper and zinc. Flaxseed can be a powerhouse in combating high cholesterol.

It can be used in various cooking methods of sprinkling into yogurt, a smoothie, mixed into meat dishes or baked in breads and muffins.

Tips for including flaxseed in your diet include:

1. Add 1-3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed to your morning smoothie

2. Mix ground flax with cinnamon and use as a dip for fruit

3. Add ground flax to whole grain cereals

4. Bake ground flaxseeds into muffins, cookies and breads

5. Use ground flaxseed as salad dressing.

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