It was a star shower in the middle of the day at the 6Degree show on the last day of FDCI x Lakme Fashion Week. As many as four Bollywood stars came together for the 6Degree show which presented collections by new designers on the ramp. Kangana Ranaut, who had already been a showstopper for the Khadi India show at the same event a day ago, returned to the fashion week to walk the ramp for designer Varun Chakkilam. Pooja Hegde was the showstopper for Keerthi Kadire, Nargis Fakhri walked for Romaa Agarwal and Divya Khosla Kumar was the showstopper for Sejal Kamdaar’s show.
“To walk for Sejal for Lakme was such a humbling experience. I love walking for Lakme at every season. The lehengas are so lightweight, it is so fun. I am feeling so happy,” said Divya about her ramp walk experience.
Romaa’s collection was inspired by Jharokaas from Lucknow. Talking about representing the designer’s very Indian collection, Nargis said, “I actually am very comfortable walking the ramp, have been doing it for a long time. I really love elegant traditional beautiful clothing. I really like when fashion takes from culture and goes back in the day. I really appreciate the work and the hours that goes behind each outfit. The craftsmanship is exquisite.”
“I feel Indian outfits have a certain feel of royalty, the silhouettes are beautiful as well as comfortable. Romaa’s collection reflects Awadh culture in a very subtle yet extravagant manner,” she added.
Talking about being back at an on-ground fashion show, Nargis said, “It feels amazing to be back in Delhi walking the ramp. I always love coming to Delhi as well.”
On the work front, Nargis has a very exciting project to look forward to. “I am very excited to be working on my first south film, Hari Hara Veera Mallu, alongwith Pawan Kalyan.”
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