Personalize Your Fitness Plan For Fall
Personalize Your Fitness Plan For Fall
Check out these strategies to get back up to speed with an exercise regimen that is adapted to your needs.

If you took a well-deserved break from sports during the summer, here are some strategies to get back up to speed with an exercise regimen that is adapted to your needs.

Start with a medical check-up

Don't take the plunge without the right prep: a blood test is a useful step, even if you don't suffer from any specific symptoms. Depending on the results, you may be advised to supplement your vitamin intake, especially B and D vitamins and trace elements (iron, zinc, and manganese), which are indispensable to exercising safely. A check-up with a cardiologist can also help. If you are overweight, you should seek help to start a diet with a related program of physical activity. If you find exercise painful, an osteopath or a physiotherapist can advise you on zones of your body that need to be strengthened or made more flexible.

Reinforce core muscles

Do the plank for core muscle strength, required by the vast majority of sports. This is a great exercise that enables you to set realistic goals when reinforcing your abs. Start off gently by holding the posture for approximately 30 seconds. Repeat three times. Then extend the time you hold the posture for up to a minute.

Work on your balance

Just like suppleness, balance is important for the correct functioning of joints and muscular strength. Try to stand on one foot with your eyes closed for as long as possible. Repeat this exercise while standing on your other foot, and try to hold the position for longer. Certain yoga postures that aim to develop rootedness (dancer, tree, eagle) are ideal for developing balance.

Boost your performance

People who run should maintain higher levels of vitamin D, which reduce the risk of fractures and fatigue. As for nutrition, your body needs more protein if you exercise regularly: a daily 1.7g for each kilo of bodyweight if you are bodybuilding or running a marathon, as opposed to 1g per kilo of bodyweight under normal circumstances.

Aged over 50?

If you are aged 50 and are not fit, you should avoid intense exercise sessions, even though cardio training is essential to build stamina, burn fat and stabilize your weight.

To accelerate your metabolism, ideally you should schedule a 30-minute session every second day, and alternate with strength training exercises: 30 minutes of running (begin with 15 minutes if necessary) if your back and joints are up to it, followed by 30 minutes of cycling outside or on a machine. Walking (especially Nordic walking and hiking) is an excellent compromise if you prefer to avoid impact sports.

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