Planetary Health: Universal Remedies from Medical Astrology for 2024
Planetary Health: Universal Remedies from Medical Astrology for 2024
Medical Astrology is an ancient science that examines the alignment of planets at the time of a person's birth and their impact on health and well-being

Medical Astrology, an ancient science, examines the alignment of planets at birth and their influence on health and well-being. Rooted in Vedic traditions, it involves a detailed study of planetary positions in one’s birth chart to uncover potential health issues and provide tailored remedies. By analyzing these cosmic influences, practitioners like Prashant Kapoor, founder of Astrokapoor, offer personalized solutions to mitigate health concerns, emphasizing the connection between celestial movements and physical and mental health.

Medical Astrology is an ancient science that examines the alignment of planets at the time of a person’s birth and their impact on health and well-being. Prashant Kapoor, medical astrologer, founder, Astrokapoor, a Vedic Astrology Platform, delves into this fascinating field, providing remedies based on thorough individual analysis.

Understanding Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology involves a meticulous study of the planetary positions in one’s birth chart to understand health-related concerns. Each case is unique, and the solutions offered are tailored to the individual’s astrological profile. By analysing the planetary influences, Kapoor can identify potential health issues and suggest specific remedies to mitigate them.

Universal Remedies for 2024

While remedies in medical astrology are typically customized, there are some practices that benefit everyone, regardless of their birth chart. For the year 2024, Mr. Kapoor recommends the following top three remedies:

  1. Plantation of TreesEngaging in tree planting helps improve planetary influences and promotes environmental and personal health.
  2. Donating at Hospitals or to Needy Patients or feeding the needy on Saturdays: Acts of charity, especially in the medical field, can enhance positive planetary energies and contribute to overall well-being.
  3. Introducing Indigo and Yellow Colors in one’s home interiors, workspaces and apparels in 2024 until March 2025 will act wonders in preventing health diseases.

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