Too Busy to Enroll in the Gym? Check Out the Health Benefits of Walking
Too Busy to Enroll in the Gym? Check Out the Health Benefits of Walking
The dietician also suggested people walk around 10,000 steps daily in order to obtain desired results.

Many of us struggle in taking out time for exercise owing to our busy schedules. When there’s a deadline to submit your project, kids to look after and household chores to complete- that’s when you decide to skip working out. In case you want to lose those extra kilos but facing the same issue, here’s a piece of good news. Working out isn’t the only solution for losing belly fat, suggests a nutritionist, Richa.

Taking to her social media handle, Richa dropped a post in which she discussed how to lose 3-5 kg in 21 days. “Do you also feel lazy and don’t have enough time to work out,” her caption read. The dietician acknowledged the issue of individuals lacking the time to exercise and provided a solution in her caption and further mentioned, “in order to lose weight we have to be physically active and healthy while maintaining a good diet.”

According to Richa, walking can be a good replacement instead of working out because it doesn’t require much time or equipment and burns the same number of calories that one burns by exercising. “Regular walking offers many potential health benefits, including faster weight loss. It is also one of the easiest and most cost-effective forms of exercise a person can do. Many people can walk regularly and reap the benefits of being more active,” Richa wrote.

She also mentioned that aerobic exercises are one of the most effective ways to get rid of belly fat. “One of the most effective ways to reduce belly fat is to regularly take part in aerobic exercises, such as walking. walking a mile (1.6 km) burns approximately 100 calories,” she added.

The dietician also suggested people walk around 10,000 steps daily in order to obtain desired results.

Besides being good for health and helpful in weight loss, here are some other benefits of walking that the health expert talked about in her post:

  1. It’s free (no equipment needed)
  2. Burns calories- facilitates weight loss
  3. Minimizes stress and anxiety
  4. Low risk for injury
  5. Reduces hunger & cravings
  6. Helps in controlling diabetes
  7. Reduces the risk of heart strokes
  8. Boost metabolism

Walking isn’t difficult to fit into your daily routine at all. The fact that it offers several health benefits along with fitness is a good enough reason to start walking daily.

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