Meet Salma, India's First ‘Gatewoman’, Who Has Proven Many Wrong in 10 Years
Meet Salma, India's First ‘Gatewoman’, Who Has Proven Many Wrong in 10 Years
Whenever a train crosses this crossing, as a gatewoman, Mirza Salma Beg moves a heavy wheel with a lever to close the gate and opens it when the train is gone.

Those commuting through the Malhaur railway crossing, a few kilometres away from Lucknow, know a girl who works as a gatewoman for the last 10 years there. Those who come to that railway crossing for the first time and see her work there are left amazed. The girl is Mirza Salma Beg who was appointed the country’s first gatewoman in 2013. At that time, she was just 19 years old. Salma is from Lucknow. Wearing a hijab, when people find Salma performing work that is considered men’s work, many are left amazed. Some even ask for a selfie with her.

Salma is famous as the country’s first ‘gatewoman’. The railway crossing at Malhaur is considered very busy and trains keep crossing on this track. Whenever a train crosses this crossing, as a gatewoman, Salma moves a heavy wheel with a lever to close the gate and opens it when the train is gone. Salma says that she has to keep in mind that while closing and opening the gate, no one should get hurt. Until the train does not cross the gate completely, she remains standing there with red and green flags.

Here is the video:

Salma was appointed for this job in 2013. But her journey has been full of struggles. When she was appointed, it was national news that a woman had been appointed to do this job which is considered men’s job primarily. At that time, railway officials had said that earlier also, this job was open to both men and women but very few women used to apply for it and that is why no woman was appointed to perform this job before Salma.

How did Salma become a gatewoman?

Talking to News18 Local, Salma narrated her story. Salma’s father Mirza Salim Beg was also a gateman here. He lost most of his hearing ability and due to other illnesses, he took voluntary retirement and got his daughter appointed to this post under a scheme that allowed such appointments. Salma’s mother was paralysed and there was no one in the family who could earn, so Salma left her studies and accepted this job. She had to bear the barbs of her relatives when she took this job. She gives credit for all her success to her parents and feels proud of her journey in the last 10 years.

Staff said she would leave in 4 days

Salma says that when she came to work for the first time at the crossing, the staff said, “This girl will not be able to close and open the gate. Every minute the train passes through this crossing. This is not a girl’s work. This girl will leave the job in 4 days.” But, it’s been 10 years now that Salma has been working here. Salma says that now all staff support her completely. She performs her 12-hour long duty with full responsibility and ability.

Salma says that girls must be independent even when they are housewives because no one has control over what may happen in future. She is a mother and has a son. Despite being a mother, she performs her duty which is so challenging. But people now recognise her and many come rushing to get selfies with her and admire her for the work she is doing.

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