Avengers Endgame: Not Thanos, But It's the Avengers Who Turned Half the Universe Into Dust?
Avengers Endgame: Not Thanos, But It's the Avengers Who Turned Half the Universe Into Dust?
A fan juxtaposed the events of Infinity War and concluded that there's a possibility that it was the Avengers and not Thanos who actually wiped half the universe's population.

"... I could snap my fingers, and you’d all cease to exist," Thanos warned the Avengers about the decimation and that he is capable of doing with a mere snap of his fingers. However, Marvel fans were certain that the Mad Titan won't be able to defeat the Earth's mightiest heroes. But to their dismay, Thanos did snap and half of the universe did turn into dust.

As we inch closer to the release of Avengers: Endgame, a fan juxtaposed the events of Infinity War and concluded that there's a possibility that it was the Avengers and not Thanos who actually wiped half the universe's population.

In a Reddit thread, the fan writes that the decimation occurred 'way before' Thanos arrives on Earth, in fact before the battle of Wakanda began. As per the fan theory, Thanos did not kill anyone as before he could snap, half the population was already teleported to an alternative universe. Validating the theory, the fan explains the post-credit scene at the end of Infinity War where Maria Hill and Nick Fury learn that Thanos’ fleet has entered Wakanda and after a few minutes, they both turn into ashes.

He wrote, "Maria updates Nick with the latest intel. No trace of Tony. Then, she gets an alert (undoubtedly from SHIELD's ops center) that the Mad Titan's fleet of ships were only just then entering the atmosphere over Wakanda - to start the attack on Wakanda. Larger ships (which we saw) and larger energy signatures from the readings of those ships. There was no second wave of ships. Just the initial massive landing. How could the 'dustings' from that scene happen an hour (or more) before the Snap?"

"Answer: only if the dustings started before the Snap. And were not simultaneous. So that phenomenon had to have been from something else occurring, entirely," the theorist explained.

Hence, there's a possibility that the Avengers had an idea how things would go and therefore they planned the snap sending the population in an alternate dimension. The theory continues saying that Avengers Endgame will conclude two major fan theories. Firstly, that the snap destroyed the infinity gauntlet, and secondly, establish a quantum realm connection of the Avengers and multiple universes.

Will the Avengers time-travel, will the disintegrated population resurrect? We'll find out answers to these questions in April 2019, when Avengers: Endgame hits the theaters.

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