Jon Snow Actor Kit Harington Checks into Rehab As End of Game of Thrones 'Hit Him Hard'
Jon Snow Actor Kit Harington Checks into Rehab As End of Game of Thrones 'Hit Him Hard'
Kit Harington, who played Jon Snow on 'Game of Thrones', has entered a therapy program to deal with "stress and alcohol use" ahead of the show's ending.

Game of Thrones star Kit Harington has checked himself into a rehab facility. The actor, who played Jon Snow on the HBO's popular series, has entered a therapy program to deal with "stress and alcohol use" ahead of the show's ending.

A "friend" of the actor has exclusively confirmed to Page that the end of the decade-long show has "really hit Kit hard" and his wife Rose Leslie, whom he met on the set of Game of Thrones and who played Jon Snow’s Wildling companion Ygritte, "is being extremely supportive."

According to the report, the British actor has been undergoing "psychological coaching, practicing mindful meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy to combat stress and deal with negative emotions at the facility, which costs over USD 120,000 a month."

"He realized ‘this is it — this is the end’, it was something they had all worked so hard on for so many years. He had a moment of, what next? He's in the clinic predominantly for stress and exhaustion and also alcohol," the friend told the website.

Harrington's rep also confirmed the news to Page "Kit has decided to utilize this break in his schedule as an opportunity to spend some time at a wellness retreat to work on some personal issues."

This comes after HBO released its documentary Game of Thrones: The Last Watch, and screenshots of a shocking Kit Harington while reading about Jon Snow’s role in the fate of Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) quickly started circulating.

HBO's behind-the-scenes Game of Thrones documentary -- The Last Watch, which aired on May 26, showed the cast seated at the last reading of the show and cameras captured some priceless reactions of actors learning about what was to unfold in the final moments of decade-long medieval epic drama.

A scene description from the 2-hour-long documentary shows Harrington's real-time response when he found out that his character Jon Snow would kill Daenerys, his queen, lover, and aunt, in order to save the realm. Almost in disbelief, and hands buried in his hair, Harrington then stares blankly into his page as the scene is being read out loud.

"I was very shocked and surprised at certain events unfolding and then I blubbed my eyes out," Harington told Stephen Colbert during a Late Show appearance earlier this month.

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