Kit Harington is Much More Than Just Game of Thrones' Jon Snow
Kit Harington is Much More Than Just Game of Thrones' Jon Snow
Kit Harington, best known for his role as Jon Snow on Game of Thrones, has a lot more to do after the end of his eight-year-long run on the series.

Kit Harington had just graduated from drama school when he was cast as one of the main characters in a fictional television series based on a series of novels by George RR Martin. As Game Of Thrones came to an end after eight long years, the question on the minds of Hartington's fans is what is next for the English actor.

Meanwhile, Harington has been doing a lot of things.

Mental Health

One of Kit Harrington's first moves after finishing work on Game of Thrones was to check into a wellness center. This move by the actor came as a surprise for fans as he had barely addressed his mental health in the past, except for needing therapy around the time he filmed Season 5 of the series.

Harington later revealed that he needed therapy owing to the pressure surrounding him on the show as well as the fate of his temporarily deceased character.

The show's costume designer Michelle Clapton who had served as the stylist for the Stark family throughout the lifetime of the series stated that this did not come as a surprise. She revealed the reason for this in an interview with USA Today.

"They were children when they started, and it became such an enormous thing, and I think when you stop, it’s sort of a huge security blanket is taken away. I mean, they all became friends with each other, and then suddenly, there’s nothing to go back to. So I would imagine that had something to do with it. He lost his way a bit."

Sources close to Harington revealed that his wife Rose Leslie supported her husband throughout the treatment while clearly understanding his need for it. Harington later described how painful it felt for him to depart from the show by describing his last time taking off Jon Snow's robes as painful as skinning himself.

Stage Work

During his days in drama school, Harington made a reputation for himself as a stage actor. He made his theatre debut before graduating. Following his graduation and joining Game of Thrones, Harington found it difficult to make time for theatre.

Nevertheless, he did not completely leave the art alone. One of his most notable plays was The Vote in 2015. In the play, Harington shared the stage with a number of notable actors like Mark Gatiss, Jude Law, Judi Dench, and many other veterans.

Harington's latest theatre venture took place towards the end of 2018 after he finished work on Game of Thrones. The play titled True West saw him share a stage with Johnny Flynn.


Kit Harington had made numerous attempts to join the film industry as well after solidifying his reputation as a television actor but most of these attempts did not end successfully.

In 2014, he joined the How To Train Your Dragon's sequel as Eret, a dragon hunter. He reprised the role in 2019 in the third installment as well. While the film's director has ruled out the possibility of any more films, he has not ruled out the chance of spin-offs making Harington's return to the franchise a possibility.

Fans are also eagerly awaiting Harington's live-action debut into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He was recently revealed to be joining the superhero franchise as Dane Whitman aka The Black Knight in the upcoming 2020 film titled The Eternals.


While Harington is better known for Game of Thrones in the television universe, the actor has made brief appearances in other shows as well. He recently even hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live giving audiences a laughter-filled ride.

One of his most successful yet little known roles on television was his portrayal of Robert Catesby in the mini-series Gunpowder. He also served as one of the executive producers of the series. It was well-received by audiences but went unnoticed considering Harington's extensive reputation as Jon Snow.

Nevertheless, despite Harrington's success as a show producer, the actor has expressed his interest in keeping away from shows for now.

For now, it seems like fans should not expect much from Kit Harington as he is very rightfully focussed on improving his mental health and discovering where he fits in best. Going over the actor's history on different platforms, it is clear that he is a good fit for any kind of acting whenever he makes his next big step.

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