Veteran Bollywood actor Zeenat Aman has filed a molestation and stalking case against a businessman at Juhu police station in Mumbai on Monday, according to ANI. In her complaint, the actor stated that the businessman allegedly molested her over the last few months.
Veteran actor Zeenat Aman files a complaint of stalking and criminal intimidation against a businessman in Mumbai. Police begin investigation,the businessman is absconding— ANI (@ANI) January 29, 2018
The complaint has been registered under sections 304 D (stalking) and 509 (insulting modesty of a woman) of the Indian Penal Code and a police investigation is underway.
However, the police revealed that the two had known each other for quite some time but were not getting along well due to some issues following which the actor had decided to stop talking to the person. But apparently, he kept bothering the actor that eventually forced her to register the complaint against him.
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